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XtRmn8 last won the day on October 3 2014

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363 Excellent

About XtRmn8

  • Birthday 11/04/1983

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    Perth, WA
  • Member Title
    570Nm @1800rpm

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  1. Following quote taken from Caradvice story on the Falcon Sprint: Original article here: http://www.caradvice.com.au/414656/2016-ford-falcon-xr8-sprint-xr6-sprint-turbo-revealed-limited-build-run-big-power/
  2. Turbo Sprint will apparently have have 9" rears with wider rubber, which is a first for a factory XR6T/F6. Should make this the fastest factory Turbo XR6T/F6 produced.
  3. Back in 2008 these wheels first featured on the 5th Anniversary FPV GT and after that they were also fitted to the 5L GT-E. Another parts bin special by the look of it.
  4. For anyone looking this Typhoon sounds decent... http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/the-vines/cars-vans-utes/2006-ford-fpv-sedan/1099850012
  5. I posted a fix for squeaky FG drivers seat over a year ago with pictures. Problem is related to seat base to seat rail bolts coming loose. On phone atm so can't search for thread.
  6. When you say "not running at all", do you mean car is stationery? If you have the car in gear with foot on brake the diff should not be making a continuous clunking sound. Sounds more gearbox related to me, flex-plate possibly.
  7. Pickles vehicle condition report is not as bad some I've seen in the past. Could have been inspected in the rain though http://www.pickles.com.au/cars/item/-/details/conditionreport/CP-09-07--Built-09-07--Ford-Performance-Vehicles--F6-Typhoon--BF-Mk-II-R-Spec--Sedan--5-Seats--4-Doors/852152062
  8. Cheap BF Typhoon R-Spec at Pickles. http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/balcatta/cars-vans-utes/2007-fpv-f6-typhoon-bf-mkii-r-spec-6-speed-auto-seq-sportshift-sedan/1083531831
  9. XtRmn8


    I found the specs that bjc is looking for
  10. Adding extra depreciating debt onto your home loan which does not affect the value of the property is not a good long term investment. You want equity in your property and need equity in order to add to the loan. The bank wont just let you add to the mortgage that easily. If your mortage on the property is over 80% of the actual value you will be slugged with LMI (Lenders Mortgage Insurance) when and if you remortgage. Also bank valuations are about 10-15% below realistic market value so staying below the 80% can be tricky unless you originally only borrowed well under 80% or the value of the property boomed (which is highly unlikely in todays market). About 8 years ago in the property boom people were cleaning up on property. Build a house and walk away with an easy 100-150k profit after finishing it off and flogging it to some poor sucker. I got mates who built and sold 6+ houses in the boom time. Unfortunately I did not do as many These days though property values only appreciate about 5-7% a year max. We are going through the process atm and the place we are in now will not return even a third of the last place we sold 4 years ago. So in short, yes it seems like a good idea but in reality I'd keep the car seperate and pay it off asap.
  11. Should bolt straight on to an FG XR6T sedan. You will need to trim the rear dust plate to accommodate the larger calliper. I could be wrong but from memory sedan rears are different to ute, so if you have a ute the rear will not fit.
  12. I too would be looking at 600cc plus LAMS bikes. Unless you are 5 foot and weigh 50kg you will get over a 250/300 soon. One of my favorites is the Speed Triple 660
  13. Happy Birthday XtRmn8!

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