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XXXRTURBO last won the day on February 19 2012

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201 Excellent


  • Birthday 03/03/1987

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  1. Happy Birthday XXXRTURBO!

  2. Happy Birthday XXXRTURBO!

  3. That would have to be with there exhaust I would say. This will be interesting to see go down the strip with that power should do same as steves if not better.
  4. depends on who tunes it but cooler, injectors high flow catt and e85 will get u there
  5. Yeah had the mph to run a high 11 with 305rwk now should do a 11.2ish I would realy like to get a 11.1
  6. Yeah very happy with it e85 is the best sh*t I have ever done to this car
  7. Here is what she looks like atm
  8. OK so I havent posted here for a lil while...... anyways I have had some more mods to my fg xrt. Previously I had 306rwk on 98 with cooler,exhaust, turbo side intake,injectors and tuned by nizpro Now I have the same as above But with e85 tune and I am pumping out 340rwk on 20psi we did make 350 on 21 psi but was droped back as tuner felt it was better there. I ran a 12.2 at 120mph on street tyres a few weeks back and I am going back to give it another shot with sicks and new power hoping for a very low 11.
  9. Lol sorry mate hahaha u need to go bigger 20s are where its at ;-) Yeah had to get it blended in
  10. Happy Birthday XXXRTURBO!

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