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Phase II Manual Ute

Guest Basher_tsv

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Hey Basher_tsv,

Thanks for your reply ... yes its hard to make power in North Queensland on low grade premium unleaded but 202kw's seems unacceptably low considering APS quote 282kw's for stageII!!!!. Maybe you should go to Bob Hawkins and get a Dyno Dynamics Shoot 6 reading which is the industry standard and also the Dyno type APS themselves use and quote figures from. You should have 180rwkw on a Dyno Dynamic's Dyno reading in Shoot 6 Mode in standard form ... be interesting to see what Verns car develops on a Dyno Dynamics Dyno.

I'd have thought 250rwkw would be a more realistic figure from StageII on Premium Unleaded fuel ... what does Peter say from APS.

He should be able to inform you of the power it SHOULD produce on premium fuel.

Let me know when you've got the kit fitted ... like to know what you think of it



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*shrug* just saying what I was told ...

have to compare apples with apples here - not sure of the background on  these results as I was aware that 170-200 was common at stock ... will ask more on Friday if I get a chance ...


Basher, Just keep in mind that the premium unleaded fuel in townsville is not that good which will have some impact on the power recorded (approx 15kW) and make sure what software is being utilised on the dyno ( if your on a dyno dynamics dyno the software should be shoot 6) as this also can radically impact on the power reading.

What is most important is not the peak power figure, the important issue is the percentage difference between the stock figure and the after conversion figure recorded (phase II). Bottom line you are best advised by the local tuner as he best knows the local environmental conditions and fuel issues which relate to North Queensland. :spoton:



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Hey Basher_tsv,

Thanks for your reply ... yes its hard to make power in North Queensland on low grade premium unleaded but 202kw's seems unacceptably low considering APS quote 282kw's for stageII!!!!. Maybe you should go to Bob Hawkins and get a Dyno Dynamics Shoot 6 reading which is the industry standard and also the Dyno type APS themselves use and quote figures from. You should have 180rwkw on a Dyno Dynamic's Dyno reading in Shoot 6 Mode in standard form ... be interesting to see what Verns car develops on a Dyno Dynamics Dyno.

I'd have thought 250rwkw would be a more realistic figure from StageII on Premium Unleaded fuel ... what does Peter say from APS.

He should be able to inform you of the power it SHOULD produce on premium fuel.

Let me know when you've got the kit fitted ... like to know what you think of it



Your comments are spot on the money. The premium unleaded fuel in North Queensland is not so good and this will have an impact on the power reading as will the higher ambient conditions.

In addltion as mentioned previously the brand of dynamometer and software utilised will also vary the power recorded. The trans type(manual V auto trans) will also affect the power reading, and the manual trans T generally will produce approx 10kW more than a auto trans T.

If the ute in question is on 95 ron fuel and a auto trans I would expect the power figure after the phase II installation (measured in shoot six) to be approx 240 to 250kW at the tyres, maybe better though this also depends on the air temperature and what the tuner believes is safe for the local conditions.

If Vern does not have the shoot 6 software then you can always have the car tested at Bob Hawkins to verify the power level. Just make sure they have adequate cooling fans for the dyno test, if not I would recommend not to let them test the car. Hope this helps.



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Shall do Peter ... thanks

and the ute is manual ...

Verns' sedan is auto.



Thanks for that Brian, if the ute is manual and not overley tight then add approx 10kW to the figures I posted if measured in shoot 6. :spoton:

The power will continue to improve up to the 20,000 km mark as the engine will be fully bedded in by then. Good luck I hope all goes well.



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Guest Basher_tsv
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I drove her hard from about 3k and she feels quite loose ...(?? had to say it) ... so it will be interesting what gains are to be had - all in all they will be exciting :)

Just got her back from the 15k service - $246.20 (incl. GST)

Was all "standard" service except a warranty fix on the cooling system (leak at the heater pipe o'ring) so I found this a tad high - anyone else able to comment on that price ? Or is it about right ?

Everything else checks out fine so tomorrow is the day for change!


B. :)

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Guest Basher_tsv
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Just had the car on the dyno stock and got 170 rwkw @ 120kph - but that is not in shootout 6 so I dunno how things compare ...


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Guest dynolink
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Just to let you know, the dyno readouts we give you are actual power at the wheels, no shootout modes. So, inertial correction for drive train weight is not calculated. Only power reading at the wheels is recorded, which is a measured amount and not a theoretical value. I believe that the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) standard for horsepower measurement is calculated in this way. I will confirm this for you. If you look at percentage power increase, it should be right on the money.

Hope you're happy with the tune. See you next week,



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