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  • Member For: 21y 26d
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From the BP web site

A particular feature of the Australian oil industry is the practice of refinery exchange, in which refining companies exchange products in various locations to minimise distribution costs. For example, BP supplies other companies in Perth and Brisbane and in return is supplied with product in Melbourne, Sydney and Tasmania

May explain the differences  :SWMBO:

Tony, From what APS was told by the head offices of both Shell and Mobil there is no sharing of premium 98 ron fuel between the oil companies.

Shell Optimax and Mobil 98 RON synergy is not sold in W.A due to high transportation costs.



Pain in the butt no choice no comparison. :thumbsup: Definitely will be doing the 2 ignition maps.


Mines sooting up on BP big time. But I think I need a retune seem to have started to use a lot more fuel since it hit 7500 kms.


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From the BP web site

A particular feature of the Australian oil industry is the practice of refinery exchange, in which refining companies exchange products in various locations to minimise distribution costs. For example, BP supplies other companies in Perth and Brisbane and in return is supplied with product in Melbourne, Sydney and Tasmania

May explain the differences  :hrmm:

Tony, From what APS was told by the head offices of both Shell and Mobil there is no sharing of premium 98 ron fuel between the oil companies.

Shell Optimax and Mobil 98 RON synergy is not sold in W.A due to high transportation costs.



Pain in the butt no choice no comparison. :nod: Definitely will be doing the 2 ignition maps.


Mines sooting up on BP big time. But I think I need a retune seem to have started to use a lot more fuel since it hit 7500 kms.


Tony dont worry, maybe we can organise to ship over some 98 RON shell or mobil for you in bulk. :nod: Dual timing maps here we come.



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  • Member For: 21y 1m 12d
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Every forum I have been on gave the thumbs DOWN to Optimax for people that have a choice of 98 RON fuel. This is mainly due to the high sulpher content that seems to clog sparkplugs and cause the egg gas smell. There is also a noticable black residue on the back of cars running Optimax. I have tried it in several cars and they all have the black soot around the exhaust and rear of the car. When I ran any other fuel the residue was not there.

When washing my car on the W/E my daughter noticed that there was black residue on the back of the car - I have only used Optimax from day 1.

I also just recently had a 2 backfires one of which ended with a vacuum hose coming off / loose.

Have to speak to the service dept tonight as they were supposed to have fixed the B/F problem the first time. Maybe its a combination of the fuel / tuning?

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Hey Peter, what are your recommendations for the best quality fuels in the premium 95-96 brands. Up here in Cairns North Queensland we can only get premium unleaded fuels for the closest Shell Optimax servo is at Rochampton 1000kms south :censored: then even further south again to Brisbane for Mobil Synergy 8000 at 1700km south :gooff:

Is Shell and Mobil the best quality in the 95-96 ron grades too?

What RWKW would a Stage III APS XR6T achieve on Shell 96 ron Premium unleaded instead of Optimax?


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  • Member For: 21y 4m 4d
  • Location: Mount Isa Queensland Go the Maroons

QUOTE (aps @ Apr 10 2004, 03:40 PM)

QUOTE (NT TURBO @ Apr 10 2004, 03:34 PM)

The best my T runs is with BP Ultimate 98 ron. its about the only 98 available up here (that I know of).

Yeah I know you guys in the NT dont get Mobil or shell 98 ron premium unleaded fuel, what a shame as you dont get the option of using the best premium unleaded fuel.



Can you provide dyno sheets for the different fuels used and power difference. How do you tell if the fuel you are using is genunie and not tainted during transport or at the service station. Is the fuel you are using refined from overseas crude or australian crude what are you tested octane levels on the fuels. What is the purity of the samples used in testing. How old were the fuel samples used. All need to be adressed before a statement that "Yeah I know you guys in the NT dont get Mobil or shell 98 ron premium unleaded fuel, what a shame as you dont get the option of using the best premium unleaded fuel". :spoton:

Edited by SR-71 Blackbird
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  • Member For: 21y 4m 4d
  • Location: Mount Isa Queensland Go the Maroons
The best my T runs is with BP Ultimate 98 ron. its about the only 98 available up here (that I know of).

Yeah I know you guys in the NT dont get Mobil or shell 98 ron premium unleaded fuel, what a shame as you dont get the option of using the best premium unleaded fuel. :(



Can you provide dyno sheets for the different fuels used and power difference. How do you tell if the fuel you are using is genunie and not tainted during transport or at the service station. Is the fuel you are using refined from overseas crude or australian crude what are you tested octane levels on the fuels. What is the purity of the samples used in testing. How old were the fuel samples used. All need to be adressed before a statement that "Yeah I know you guys in the NT dont get Mobil or shell 98 ron premium unleaded fuel, what a shame as you dont get the option of using the best premium unleaded fuel". :spoton:

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Guest Scootre
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Guys have investigated the premium fuel issue, this info came from head office of both Mobil and Shell in Melbourne. :spoton:

Nice one Peter. Thanks for the trouble you take in contributing this kind of info.

Interesting about the Shell Optimax being producd in Syd and the and the Mobil Synergy 8000 produced in Melb. Interesting in that the Mobil is always several cents cheaper that the Optimax around my area (Nthn Suburbs, Syd).

How do the two compare in price in Melb?

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  • Member For: 21y 10m 23d
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Prices in Melb are comaprable. You get variations suburb by suburb but generally they are the same if in close proximity of each other. After my previous comments and the comments of other I decided to give the optimax another try and guess what same old troubles. By the third fill a nice flat spot smooth but sluggish and even backfired while starting. Changed back to mobil 8000 and hey presto more power instantly. I still maintain that different fuels have different addatives etc and you should regularly mix them to get a balance of all advantages that the different fuels offer without noticably getting the disadvantages that some get. A good example would be that many say the Optimax fouls up the spark plugs if used continuously. If you only use it every third tank your spark plugs would either not foul as quick or the properties of the other fuel may even counteract this and remove some fouling due to it's cleaner burning off.

Just my thoughts. The same has been recomended by leading hairdresses who say different shampoo's remove/replace different oils and nutrients and one should every three months or so change brands for a month to get the best strength shile out of your hair. If you are balding like me who cares and if you drive a 1971 corolla two speed auto again who cares. We drive a "T" so I think it's important

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  • Member For: 21y 6m 23d
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I was just reading about BP Ultimate and it seems they do blend there fuel in certain states


BP's petroleum products are manufactured by refining crude oil at the company's refineries at Kwinana in Western Australia and Bulwer Island in Queensland.

Most of the crude oil for the refineries is shipped in from sources as diverse as the Middle East, Indonesia, West Africa, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand and north-west Australia. Some also comes via pipeline from central Australia into Brisbane.

Shipping requirements are met through a mix of time-chartered and spot (individual voyage) charter.

A particular feature of the Australian oil industry is the practice of refinery exchange, in which refining companies exchange products in various locations to minimise distribution costs. For example, BP supplies other companies in Perth and Brisbane and in return is supplied with product in Melbourne, Sydney and Tasmania.

Most oil products are blends of various components which are produced by the many refining processes. They are subject to strict quality controls to ensure they meet specification and are fit for purpose. Up to 20 laboratory tests may be required to certify a single product batch.

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