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Thanks Pete, that's good info. I have been buying the Safeway premium because in my older age am becoming a bit of a tight arse. I do get the occasional flat spot and with Shell at the next corner I will give Optimax a go.

Cheers :thumbsup:

No Worries ......Give the Mobil 98 ron premium a try also as this fuel provides very consistant power and good fuel economy ...................Has to be worth a test. :nono:



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Peter. Great work on the source of fuels in Eastern Oz.  I would agree with your findings.

I generally use Mobil 8000 because it is convenient to where I live and have found it to be consistantly as good as or better than Optimax, but I think this comes down to the fuel going off.

I have found Caltex Vortex (96 Ron) to be better than BP Ultimate (supposedly 98 ).

This is my experience over a couple of years , mainly with my AUII XR8 which was very fuel sensitive.

Thanks for that and we will investigate further to find out what premium unleaded fuels are commonly sold in other states.

I am starting to believe that the fuel quality/octane issue will have a large bearing on what power and fuel economy the xr6t makes across Australia. Will let you know what we find out in due course. :unsure:



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The best my T runs is with BP Ultimate 98 ron. its about the only 98 available up here (that I know of).

Yeah I know you guys in the NT dont get Mobil or shell 98 ron premium unleaded fuel, what a shame as you dont get the option of using the best premium unleaded fuel. :(



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From the BP web site

A particular feature of the Australian oil industry is the practice of refinery exchange, in which refining companies exchange products in various locations to minimise distribution costs. For example, BP supplies other companies in Perth and Brisbane and in return is supplied with product in Melbourne, Sydney and Tasmania

May explain the differences :unsure:

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A major achievement for the Refinery has been in producing Australia's cleanest petrol - BP Ultimate™. This is a 98 octane fuel, with less than 1% benzene, compared to the Australian Standard specification of 5%. It also contains less than 50 ppm (parts per million) of sulphur, compared to the current Australian Standard specification of 500 ppm. These characteristics mean that BP Ultimate matches the most stringent environmental specifications being demanded in Europe and the USA. It is Australia's cleanest petrol and is only manufactured at BP's Kwinana Refinery in Western Australia.

Plenty more here


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Every forum I have been on gave the thumbs DOWN to Optimax for people that have a choice of 98 RON fuel. This is mainly due to the high sulpher content that seems to clog sparkplugs and cause the egg gas smell. There is also a noticable black residue on the back of cars running Optimax. I have tried it in several cars and they all have the black soot around the exhaust and rear of the car. When I ran any other fuel the residue was not there.

I will not use Optimax in the T when I get it

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Every forum I have been on gave the thumbs DOWN to Optimax for people that have a choice of 98 RON fuel.  This is mainly due to the high sulpher content that seems to clog sparkplugs and cause the egg gas smell.  There is also a noticable black residue on the back of cars running Optimax.  I have tried it in several cars and they all have the black soot around the exhaust and rear of the car.  When I ran any other fuel the residue was not there.

I will not use Optimax in the T when I get it

Interesting I have never seen or heard of a problem with a fouled plug on Optimax. Are you sure you are talking about genuine optimax fuel? What state do you reside in? :thumbsup:



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From the BP web site

A particular feature of the Australian oil industry is the practice of refinery exchange, in which refining companies exchange products in various locations to minimise distribution costs. For example, BP supplies other companies in Perth and Brisbane and in return is supplied with product in Melbourne, Sydney and Tasmania

May explain the differences  :thumbsup:

Tony, From what APS was told by the head offices of both Shell and Mobil there is no sharing of premium 98 ron fuel between the oil companies.

Shell Optimax and Mobil 98 RON synergy is not sold in W.A due to high transportation costs.



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:thumbsup: Hey Peter

I was not comparing bikes with cars just high perfomance motors and fuel

The hayabusa is definatly a high performance motor AGREED!

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