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What Did You Order?


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  • The Noble Leader
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How far away is your car Chris?

Ive been told should be here on the 14th then the dealer has to get it ready so should be the 16th of November still! Bad thing is though im going on holidays on the 16th for a week to Thailand! So i wont be able to pick it up until i get back :(

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Guest LionHeart
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The XR6 comes with Nothing.. No LSD, No Tract Control..

The XR6T comes with Standard LSD.

Trac Control is not a standard on the Turbo.

So those who have ordered the Turbo like me will get LSD on it.


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Guest DZ.
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The XR6 comes with Nothing.. No LSD, No Tract Control..

The XR6T comes with Standard LSD.

Trac Control is not a standard on the Turbo.

So those who have ordered the Turbo like me will get LSD on it.


We're going around in circles here - the first person to get a turbo let everyone here know! :rolleyes:

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  • SLOJAM, Gone but not forgotten
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The XR6 comes with Nothing.. No LSD, No Tract Control..

The XR6T comes with Standard LSD.

Trac Control is not a standard on the Turbo.

So those who have ordered the Turbo like me will get LSD on it.


Was the car you drove an auto or manual? The Traction control is only available on autos according to specs at www.newfalcon.com.au

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Guest LionHeart
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It was an Auto...

Tract Control is available as an option on the Auto's BUT not when LSD is equipted on a car...

that's the understanding I have...


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After reading this thread early in the week l called our dealer to try and get to the bottom of this.

He called today after having spoken to Fords Tech help, and was told that our car (a manual) will come with both LSD and TC. Apparently the specs brochure is incorrect where it states that you cant have TC with a manual. We found out last week that metallic paint colours arent a NCO either as stated on the spec sheet!

l will have to go back and read through some of the road tests l have also, because l am failry sure in one of those the car tested was a manual and l can remember the jurno going on about how well calibrated the TC was. l will be disappointed if we dont get TC as l think its an excellent safety feature and in this day and age would be ridiculous for it not to be fitted to a car making well over 300hp.

l guess we will (hopefully) have the car in around 10 days time, so until then who knows what to believe?

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This being the case, then I assume the TC/LSD combination is also available in the auto?

I definitely have an early article stating this but since the brochure arrived, I've been thinking one or the other. One of the few downers if we can't have both really.

As far as I know, metallic paint is a $255 option. This may have happened after the last minute pricing alteration that was rumoured to have occured.

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