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Backlash clunk


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I have an annoying clunk coming from the rear of the vehicle,very evident on accelaration and de-accelaration at speeds over 80k,I was advised it was "backlash clunk" by the dealer. I was also told it was a characteristic of the vehicle and would not be repaired under warranty :thumbsup: .

Has anyone heard of this term ??? What is your opinions, should it be repaired under warranty?? It is very annoying. (I am being polite here)

BTW I was advised it was definately NOT driveline shunt.

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Jimbo, There are many people and threads on this issue.

It is a known problem and it WILL be fixed under warranty.

If a dealer EVER says a problem with a car is normal and will not be fixed under warranty, ask them to put it in writing, because if they do they are screwed.

The backlash, shunt, clunk problem does not seem to be able to be fixed at the moment because Ford are still ignoring the problem. Several guys have had their diffs replaced only to have the problem come back or its worse than it was before. I suggest you read the threads and wait until Ford get their $hit together and FIX THE F'ing problem properly.

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Jimbo, There are many people and threads on this issue.

It is a known problem and it WILL be fixed under warranty.

If a dealer EVER says a problem with a car is normal and will not be fixed under warranty, ask them to put it in writing, because if they do they are screwed.

The backlash, shunt, clunk problem does not seem to be able to be fixed at the moment because Ford are still ignoring the problem.  Several guys have had their diffs replaced only to have the problem come back or its worse than it was before.  I suggest you read the threads and wait until Ford get their $hit together and FIX THE F'ing problem properly.


I do read and follow the threads but I have never seen this term used so I was at a loss as to this term.

Interesting you say "ask them to put it in writing, because if they do they are screwed." Why do you say that ?? I have it in writing!!! They will only contemplate repairing it if it gets worse .

I was also told it may be get worse if they replaced the diff. Then what !!!

I am also very interested to see if the opinion here is "it is NOT a charactersitic of the vehicle" , cause its one BAD characteristic.

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If a dealer says that a PROBLEM is normal and not covered under warranty they are making a big claim. The diff clunk is not normal as there are more people on this list who do not have it than ones that do, so it is not normal.

What the dealer has done is blatently lied and tried to BS you into not persuing the problem under you rights of warranty. I would mention to the dealer that you know this is not normal and that you are a member of this formum and know what is normal according to the 3500+ members.

This will give you a lot more muscle as united we stand.

I can tell you once I get my car, if it has problems like some I have read and if they are not fixed, Ford will meet its worst enemy. I will not take the crap from dealers and I suggest you all do the same.

I am an Ex Motor Mechanic and am running a computer service business for 12 years, so I am familiar with the Trade practices act, the workings of a car and have also spent years working in a dealership (toyota). I know how these people work, and they think we are all iddiots. I can tell you now the squeeky wheel gets the oil and 3500+ squeeky wheels can make a HUGE difference.

I do suggest you wait and not get a new diff, but write a letter to Ford demanding that this problem be fixed properly, this advise is also for the others who are still persisting with this issue. If we kick up a stink Ford will fix the problem :thumbsup:

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  • Mal Wood Automotive
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Backlash clunk, power on/ power off clunk, driveline shunt- all basically the same thing. It should not be there. ( if it were normal, why have Ford not recalled the cars that don't have it?). You need to find out exactly what componant has the excessive lash before it can be rectified.

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Just trying to clarify exactly what your hearing/feeling...r u saying if u accelerate....then take your foot off u hear a clunk from the rear??? :bowdown:

Yes exactly , but it is does not occur all the time . The MAIN time it would occur would be at very low speeds (in traffic) or as I stated at speeds above 80 or when you are going up a hill.

ZapXR6T: thanks Mate, I hear where your coming from and one thing I hate is being treated like an idiot . I hope I do not have to wait for a fix forever though, I cant stand it any longer.

I am still interested to know if the term is used within the automotive industry though or it was just made up for me.

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It has many names and it is annoying. No it's not normal and it shouldn't be a characteristic of any car. Ask them to show you where it is mentioned in the brochure.

The New Ford Falcon

Smooth power delivery

Amazing good looks

Control Blade IRS suspension

A clunky diff

I don't think so.....this is the only mechanical fault on my car and when it doesn't do it, the driving experience is the best.

If it was a characteristic then every car would do it and all the time. Mine has it but sometimes something is in the right place and it's all good, then the diff gods change and it clunks. Good luck.

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