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Ba xr6t P1386...timming skipped??


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Low oil pressure can cause cam error at idle, but with rpm it will usually come good. You'd have to measure it. 


I don't see why you couldn't leave the filters out.

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Well when I revit it seems to go to 0 on both 



It's hard to tell. I do have a vid but won't upload due to it being to large file 

Edited by jas98
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upload it to YouTube as "unlisted" and then post the video link here and the forum will automatically-embed it.

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  • Puff
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Your cams are moving and there's no cam error, that means the phasers aren't stuck and it's doing what is being asked of it.


Go for a drive and get a log, you might see it play up then.

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Awsum yeah I'll do that.


Also just thought and also read that the cam sensor can cause stalling ...can also cause that code to pop up (and also no code sometimes) and a few symptoms I've had in past and I know it's the original sensor ...I have. A spare one here  so I'll chuck it on and gox from there aswell

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Changed  both cam sensors with a couple spares I had other day.   Car seems to be idling slightly better but it never was a rough idle anyway .


Anyway checked codes before and code was there again however I can't remember if I cleared code or not other day before sensor change. 


I've been reading and usually that code is a skipped chain but also a vct oil supply issue aswell. I know at start up sometimes there a lifter tick (very loud) that goes aways after like 5-10 seconds that it has had over the last couple years  but always comes good ....unless if the vct solenoids causing it but there like 2.5 years old..ultra tech branded ones 


Other thing is if timming has skipped surely there would be another code aswell plus I would assume it wouldn't go as good as it does and idle would be bad?


I will rip cover off and check timming marks anyway and...

Yes I need to monitor and log ..but I'm trying to work out how I play back on forscan to watch it haha

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Also do the cam phasers fail on these? Cars done like 406 000 ks on engine and on startup sometimes there's a rattle from top and for say 2-4 seconds then instantly quiet again. 


Or can a cam solenoid also cause them to rattle at amstart up? As I know there's a pin in the phasers that locks etc 

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