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What brake fluid was used on the XR6 rolling off the factory lines?


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  • Member For: 15y 10m 27d

I was just wondering what brake fluid was used at the Geelong factory

Also, Would anyone know what the product code is for the standard (Non-Brembo) xr6 genuine front brake pads? 


Thanks in Advance.

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  • Member For: 15y 10m 27d

The brake fluid was just for personal interest; knowing what the factory was throwing in would be nice.


The brake pads: I believe that the XR6 factory front pads were some of the best pads I've ever had (I useto drive all types of cars)

They produced no brake dust, they didn't squeal, they lasted 110,000 km before requiring a change, and they cost about $90. I never felt they were underperforming at any task.


I would love to know more information about them. Who the supplier for FORD Australia was? etc.

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