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Problem after oil change.


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Today I put Penrite 5w-40 and a new ryco Z9 on my 2005 BF XR6T. I initially put 5L in which was roughly the same 

amount that I drained out of the car. The dipstick read just below the OK line, I figured it would still be working its way 

down into the sump. Gave the exhaust manifold and surround areas a clean with some degreaser where I spilled the oil

and then washed it off with the hose. Fired the car up and started up nice but within 30 seconds it started to run really sh*t

and I thought I could hear a knock so I instantly killed the engine. There was no Oil pressure warning on the dash, I went to repco 

before they shut and bought another litre and chucked it in. Now it was sitting in the OK level, I fired it up again and the same thing happened

it ran nicely for about 45 seconds and then it felt like it was misfiring and I could hear a knocking sound of some description coming from the engine

so I shut it off again. 


I understand the recommended oil is 15w-40 but I have seen heaps of people on here running 5w with no dramas. Any ideas on what to do next as I am 

concerned that I do not want to damage the engine any more than may of already happened. 



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Forgot to mention that the car has a 2004 BA turbo motor so the Z9 is what was on the car and what I replaced it with.

I only rinsed the exhaust manifold turbo and dump pipe as is where I spilled some of the oil when refilling the car. 
Im going to go and buy 6L of 15w oil tomorrow and change it and hopefully its just down to wrong viscosity.

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5W40 is perfectly fine. 15W40 will make zero difference with regards to the problem you've described.

It's hard to say what you may or may not have done to cause issues following an oil change. The best recommendation is to tow the car to a mechanic to have it properly looked at. Any other shortcut you attempt is likely to make it worse.

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  • Puff
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Sounds like water got into the spark plug holes and is shorting out a coil. If this is what has happened, pull the coil cover, remove coils, blow water out with compressed air.

Edited by Puffwagon
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This was exactly what was causing the drama. Pulled the over off and there was water that had pooled around the coils. Blew most of the water out with a blower and reassembled everything. Hooked up the oil pressure gauge to the side of the block just to eliminate any doubts I had. Car was missing again briefly but returned to normal fairly quickly with oil pressure reading fine on the gauge. Thanks for the advice mate, I was assuming worst case scenario as I was mucking around with the oil but ended up being a happy enough ending.

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  • Puff
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Glad you got it sorted without too much drama. If it does start missing again over the next few months, give it a set of new genuine coils and it should be fine again for many years.

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