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BA turbo engine in BF body?


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  • Puff
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BA has one knock sensor, BF has 2. If you use a bf pcm you need the second sensor, if you use a ba pcm you only need one.


If you're putting a turbo engine into a na car,  you'll obviously be using some type of intercooler and exhaust to suit the turbo. You'll also need some type of intake for the turbo. You may need an upgraded fuel pump depending on the condition of the stock one. There's oil and water lines for the turbo, there is likely plenty more things to list, but you can get to reading to see what you have and what you need. Depending on what you use, you may or may not need a tune.

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Yeah okay so assuming I use the turbo pcm and just splice the boost control into the BF loom Ill just have an extra plug on the loom for the extra knock sensor which wont need plugging in?


and as for the intercooler and turbo lines I obviously have the full stock intercooler system on the rusty BA but I also have an FPV intercooler which is slightly different size which may mount up nicer so I'm not sure yet


And for the turbo lines Ive heard about the clogging oil feed line so ill just buy a kit of braided lines is what I've heard I should do.


I plan on using as much of the stock system as possible

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  • Puff
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  • Member For: 9y 10m 4d
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  • Location: South Australia

If you have all the stock stuff you'll be sorted. As far as the whole knock sensor thing, I don't know if the ba pcm is missing the hardware internally for the second sensor or if it's just a tune thing. I think you should be fine with it the way you described, I guess you'll find out eventually.

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