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Will this get my car to 300ish rwkw reliably. As a Daily Car.


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Hey all,


I have a 04 Ba Xr6T (with BTR gearbox). Looking at getting up to 300rwkw. Car is currently stock as a rock, but after researching for a while I have come up with a list of things im gonna need to support reaching that mark but without sacrificing the reliability to much. As this is my daily I'm not looking for cheap power but also not wanting to spend loads. If things need to bought then I will but trying to avoid to much.


Here is my list, let me know your thoughts.

  • Venom Turbo back exhaust system (4" downpipe -> dual 2.5Inch system).
  • PWR Trans Oil Cooler Kit - With trans guage to monitor temps.
  • Demon Pro Parts XR6 Oil Catch Can.
  • 4″ Turbo Side Intake & Passenger Tray Battery relocation suit XR6 Turbo.
  • Turbosmart 25mm kompact duel port bov.
  • Walbro 460 460LPH Fuel Pump.
  • 1000cc BOSCH Fuel injectors x 6.
  • Crow Cams valve springs.
  • Barra Billet 4340 Oil Pump Gears.
  • Internal Wastegate Actuator.
  • Built BTR Transmission to support.


Other mods outside of engine to support the body is not listed here.



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I would say some of these are optional - you shouldn't need a built BTR, different BOV, battery relocation, billet pump gears for 300. Could use a smaller pump too. If you go that pump you might need an aftermarket reg.

But some of that stuff is still nice to have.

Regardless of power, I think the turbo side intake and battery relocation is 100% worth it just for ease of access later when working on the car, especially in a B series. Looks better too!

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I know the BA motor unless built isn't really going to last past 300-320kw I have read. Unless I'm not Intouch with the reliability of that motor and things have changed. Which Is kinda preventing me from wanting to try and push past that mark even if the car does move past that. I don't really want to be taking that risk since dailying this thing.


I'm going to see how I like the 300kw mark and if I want to go further and get the engine built out, the extra stuff will just be less I need in the future if I want to push for even more power. I guess also useless to some degree as well if I'm not maximising its use.


But regardless, you think that the pump gears arn't needed? (it does knock the total price down a little bit) And the stock BOV can handle? The "turbo side intake and battery relocation" was like you said because looks better but also the turbo fluttering noise, unsure if I'm un-knowledged or not but the sound the BOV aftermarket makes isn't really that great personally. So I guess if I don't need it and will recirculate anyways ill leave it.

How would I know if the fuel pump would need a different reg? Is that something il find out on the dyno or just need to research?


Sorry, don't mean to bomb bard you with this all.

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I don't reckon you need the oil pump gears if you are auto and not bouncing it off the limiter -others might have views.

Usually a 460lph pump will overwhelm the factory reg and cause high fuel pressure. Something like whatever the current equivalent to a Walbro 255 would be fine and not need a new reg. I've had that pump on a BA with factory reg.

I have a turbo side with that same BOV plumbed back in now and it is borderline obnoxious for my taste. It will definitely make more noise with the stock BOV venting into the metal turbo side intake so you could try and see what you think. Changing the BOV later is a 1min job and doesn't affect your tune.

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Thanks for that.


There is this apparently supports under 500hp which 300rwkw is. https://www.tiperformance.com.au/products/walbro-255lph-fuel-pump-kit-gss341/ for BA.


If that's the case for the BOV will probably stick with factory one. It's not going to decrease the performance on the dyno, will it having stock?

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Go with whatever the place you're tuning with recommend.

So many varying opinions. If it were me:

- 460 fuel pump. Add drop in GFB fuel pressure reg

- no bov

- wouldn't waste money on btr. Just accept limitations, and upgrade to something else if you're going to build a transmission

- suspension bushes, shocks, ball joints etc

- brakes. 4 piston Brembo front, PBR rear is best value

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They actually recommended I get a built BTR gear box tbh and when you mention upgrade to something else. Do you mean like to a ZF transmission or manual gear box conversion?

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And don't forget a 460 will need upgraded wiring, I'm running a 320lph pump with stock wiring loom and fuel reg, 350 killer wasps, no probs.

Will be going 460 in near future as I go for 400+ tune

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If the motor is healthy and you are strapped for a budget, you should just go with the mods you have listed. Transmission rebuild again I'm not sure. Talk to your workshop and see if they are pointing you in the right direction or just wanting some extra cash. 


If you had more money, I'd get an FG XR6 turbo motor and drop that in or build a motor to much greater strength with aftermarket internals. Beauty of the barra motor is the bottom end is the same for all the series. I think the cylinder head changed designs slightly but someone can confirm. Main changes between these motors were pistons, camshafts and stronger rods from BF xr6 turbo onwards. 

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