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Venom 4” Dump, 100 Cell Cat and Y Piece


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G’day Everyone,


I have recently purchased and fitted the Venom 4” Dump, 100 Cell Cat and replacement Y Piece section.


I had a couple of concerns and issues that I thought I’d ask and forgive me if it has been raised before, my main issue is the where the Y Piece meets the Cat and it not marrying up nicely when tightened, it is leaking out the gasket due to not buttoning up nicely on the 2 flanges, has anyone come across this before? And is getting another gasket and having 2 in place a good solution? 


Also, there are no hangers on the new exhaust section from dump to cat, has anybody encountered any issues from this? 


Cheers Guys! 

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On 21/01/2024 at 11:41 AM, ThomasB said:

Also, there are no hangers on the new exhaust section from dump to cat, has anybody encountered any issues from this? 


Manta has them. You can easily fab up a tab to retain the block hanger. While you're at it tack on a couple of m8 bolts stacked on one another to pick up the rear heat shield mounting hole. rattle rattle bendy bendy

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Cheers everyone for your reply,


Sorted this issue out a while ago I just ended up sanding done the face and getting it flush to have a solid mating surface, I believe that the flange pulled around as it was welded.


I chucked some high temperature sealant on it along with the gasket, let it sit for a day and have had no issues since, has been tuned and driven for around 1000kms since fitted.


If anyone encounters this issue all I did was get a square piece of steel, sat it on the flange and worked away at the face until there was no air gaps, between the gasket and high temperature sealant that seems to have taken up any other minor imperfections.


Thanks everyone!

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Lol I just re-read my advice, there is only one way the venom cat piece can go. I was thinking about my cat piece that is a venom cat but I have modified it so it is literally just the cat only with vband flanges, hence being able to be rotated etc.


Oh well :retard:

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