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Loud ticking noise under hard acceleration


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  • Puff
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  • Member For: 10y 1m 9d
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  • Location: South Australia

Heel on the brake, handbrake on, toe on the accelerator pedal, slip the clutch. You'd wanna be quick about it so you don't hurt the clutch.


You can get it run up on a dyno and have someone listen for the leak with some chassis ears.


You could attach your phone under the bonnet and locate the noise like that.


It might be a different part of the exhaust leaking.


It might be a click beetle orgy in the air vent.


Get creative and see what you can come up with to find the noise.

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  • Member For: 2y 7m 24d

Haha, thanks! 
that click beetle orgy must really get up and going when the boost hits! 😅

so You don’t really think it fits the bill of valve springs munted or rods munted? or the like? 

Edited by Bawwxay
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  • Puff
  • Gold Donating Members
  • Member For: 10y 1m 9d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: South Australia

Nah it is unlikely that you've got a broken valve spring/rocker arm or a bent rod/farked rod bearing. Knocking rod bearings don't last long in a turbo car, it'd be farked within a few hard drives. It'd be missing at idle if it had a broken piston or a broken rocker. A broken piston would also be blowing smoke from the dipstick hole and oil fill cap. If it had a partially broken valve spring there would still be signs at idle that it's broken, missing and or tapping from the valve hitting the piston. Edit: the valve wouldn't stay in the head for long either, it would lose the collets and drop into the cylinder.


I wouldn't stress about it, more than likely the manifold is still leaking if it sounds the same as it did last time.

Edited by Puffwagon
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