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UHF CB Radios


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ok well you seem to know what your taling about. So im guessing theres no units that are available that are uhf radios that can listen in on police channels? my bro used to have a radio in his 4x4 that could listen in on lilydale police channels?


Something like that says that it has a police scan? Dont wanna have to buy 2 radios would like to just be able to get away with one unit, seems that's not possible?

have been directed by a mate that does a fair bit of 4x4 to go visit these guy http://www.strictlyham.com.au/

now ive had a look at some of the radios they have and got nfi at what im lookig at there.

by decent ariel im guessing your talking about something like the one that's mounted to the bottom of the rear bumper of your car yeah?

sorry for all the questions, just dont really know much about this and doesnt seem as though its as easy as I thought, lol

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I have the Uniden 015SX in my pajero, it is great as it has the remote head, I have the unit mounted under the dash and the display is screwed into the dash.

It doesn't (in Perth) get any ambulance / fire / police channels (all digital AFAIK) but talking between car to car and listening to security services its great for, the rural police are still on the old analogue signal, though they will all eventually change over anyway.

In terms of Antennas, I have 3 to choose from, one a 4db gain, other 6db and the last a 9db.. the higher the db rating the more narrow the signal, the lower the db rating the more round the signal is, higher db is great for flat terrain but on hilly terrain you'd be better with a 4db or 6db antenna. the 4db is only around 30cm tall but the 6db and 9db are over a meter in size.

Just my 2 cents worth :)



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yeah I sorta understand about the db gain with antennas so that's not to much of a drama, just all the frequency is what I have to get my head around.

Well spoke to the guys at strictly ham and after talkin to them for a bit about it kinda seems point less of me getting a scanner as the lilydale cops have moved to encrypted digital. And to get the cops while im up the mountains will requrie a big antenna. So the scanner wont be able to be used %90 of the time and will be usless. So think I will just settle with a uhf

Is there any other good manufactures out there apart from gme, uniden or icom?

Now for a couple of questions about antennas. lol. Can I have a small glass mounted one hooked up full time but also have another antenna that I can connect and disconnect as need be? So I have a small glass mount on full time and have a larger boot mounted one that is a different gain and hook that up if I want abit more range? Will they interfere with each other? and can they both be hooked in at the same time?

Alo what gives better coverage a small glass mount or a decent hand held? Was looking at a uniden handheld for around 400 bucks


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hey mate, I have a glass mount antenna (I think GME) on my ute and I think it is just as good as any other. it really comes down to what terrain you intend on using the radio in. I suggest a 4.5db for all round use.

the antenna looks like a normal fm/am radio antenna in the fg's, just very thin with a bit of a spring near the base.

As for the radio, if you go with most of the "off the shelf" stuff you will get your 40 channels and that's it.

If I was to buy another radio I would get the VX2200.

It has a massive 450-520MHz range. This means it is programmable to receive commercial frequencies like frieght companies, trains, security etc.

To give an idea the 40cb channels only use 476.425 - 477.400mhz

The best thing you can do is get a cable and software from ebay and have a go at programming it yourself. Then you will get to see what a good radio can really do.

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I have a UH013 sitting in my garage I used to use on cruises with onglass antenna and 2 different length ariels.

It has the scanner and detachable faceplat, yours for $150 delivered

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Hi Guys,

Photo of the Laser on glass (In side) antenna I installed a couple of months ago. So far has worked very well. (mainly used line of site etc)



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Generally anything Uniden is pretty good. Don't just concentrate on transmit power e.g. 0.5W, 2W, 5W - it's better to make sure that you can hear well. I've got some cheapies from tricky dicks and they have only cost me $20 bucks each - but I find that in the ambience of a car - the audio aint that good. Whereas my Uniden is clear as.

Most of the time on a cruise - you just want to hear what others are saying - especially the bloke in the front I.e. branches on the side of the road, pot holes, etc. But if you plan to be chatting alot - prolly something that's 2W is minimum mainly so others can hear you.

Another thing - try to get something that takes AA or rechargeable AAs as they are easy to buy. If you go for a custom rechargeable battery - you'll prolly end up buying a car charger for it. There's a 2W Uniden that uses I think 3 or 4 AA batteries avialable - I think Adam has bought it and a few of the others on here. I personally use a 5W Uniden mainly as I'm shooting from the rear most of the time or far up the road setting up for a shoot and want to let the guys know when to come. There's a joke somewhere in all that :roflmbo:

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