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Are these modifications illegal NSW?


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Don't mean to sound like a fuc*wit just pissed off and stressed about it all .

What can you tell me about running no bov?

Mine vents to atmosphere and I was thinking it's probably easier to get rid of it and block it off all together due to the design of my charge air pipework.. I'm not interested wether it's good for the turbo or not just wether it's legal to do so.. will they "test drive" my vehicle?

Cheers for the input..


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Not sure if they test drive it or if its just a box ticking exercise. 


Running no BOV, and running one that vents to atmosphere is not legal. A recirculating/diverter type, like the factory jobbie, is the only legal way. It must recirculate/divert excess air back into the intake. Its an emissions thing I believe.


Turbo make boost, boost = lots of air, when you let off gas pedal, all that air must go back to intake of the turbo so no excess air is released to the atmosphere.

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1 hour ago, XEESPT said:

Don't mean to sound like a fuc*wit just pissed off and stressed about it all .


Completely understandable. I've got a stock recirc valve you can have if you get stuck.

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Thanks Mate,

I have a stock crossover pipe and bov I got off my Brother..

my problem is when I built the car it was straight to fully modified,  it has never been standard so all the pipework I have made up for it is for a massive front mount cooler/turbosmart bov etc.

To get the oem bov recirculating in the factory location via the crossover pipe am I able to remove the front mount intercooler all together and just plumb the charge pipe straight to the throttle body? (Ie) no intercooler what so ever?

I figure if I stay off boost and it's only 20 minutes down the road it should be sweet you think?  My reasoning is if I was thrashing it with a sh*t intercooler it would eventually get heat soaked and be the same thing...

 It's not illegal to run with no intercooler is it? not ideal and slightly stupid  but not illegal.. is this correct?


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You can definitely run no intercooler and stay off boost completely... but that sounds like a lot more effort...

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Yeah I know........

you are right Keith, 😞

I can get hold of a factory intercooler maybe I just f*ck around trying to chase up some pipework for it ..

I was just trying to lighten my work load with out compromising the integrity of the setup...



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When you change a BF to a forward facing plenum, the stock recirc valve gets relocated to the passenger side cooler pipe just before the throttle body. A turbo cold side intake usually has a provision on it (shown below) to plumb the recirc valve back via a big piece of hose. You run the hose back across the radiator support area to join it up. FYI the silver fitting is for pcv and the black fitting is for the recirc valve.



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Cheers Mate,

I think I might just have to bite the bullet and do as Keith suggests and swap everything back to factory, as much of a b*itch that it is. I can pick an inlet manifold and oem airbox up cheap enough from my Mate at the local wreckers. The only thing I won't be able to return to stock is my battery that is mounted under my driver's wing...


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