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Ignition Coil Fuse blowing under load


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  • Member For: 1y 11m 11d

Hey guys, this is a long one 

I just blew my engine in my terri, decided to replace it with a built fg turbo motor. 

After 2 weeks of driving around it all of sudden shut down after flooring it over a speed bump and blew the IGN COIL fuse 15A, we took it to a shop where they told me they couldn't diagnose the issue (I specifically told them it seams to be happening under load but they told me they let it idle in the shop and pretty much drove it like a granny around the block for 10 mins). After I drove it easy for 20kms and decided to floor it a few times. 


I first started to notice a decrease in power gradually after every pull I did until finally the fuse gave out, we then pulled the fuse, replaced it and then shorted as soon as I turned the key, decided to unplug the battery for 5 mins and then after put the fuse in and it started and we let it idle for a few mins and then shut it down and started it 4 more times, it seamed to be magically fixed again until we drove it around again for around 10 mins and then the fuse blew again. 


We decided to replace ignition coils and spark plugs, upon looking there was quite a bit of oil in the first 3 plug whole and nothing in the last 3, that's another issue that needs solving for another day. 

After we replaced them the car ran smooth and felt great but again loose of power followed by shut down. We then tugged on a few cables and at one point we could drive the car like a twat for 20 mins before it blew/lost power, but then again the same loss of power and then shut down


After that final shutdown we tried the same unplug battery for 5 mins trick but this time it just wouldn't do it, we tried jamming a wire in there (definitely not the smartest thing I've ever done) as we were stuck in the middle of a road but it just completely melted the wire after about 2-3 seconds which probably means I've melted a wire somewhere else along the harness as-well, we pushed it out of the way, left it for 30 mins and decided to give it a shot again. 


My mate suggested we reset the "Shock sensor" under the passenger side glove box, we did that and it started, worked for 3 mins and broke down again, reset it again and replaced the fuse, once again started and worked for 3 mins, last shutdown, tried this same trick and it wasn't having it, won't start at all, obviously is cranking but won't start and we haven't attempted to start it since. 


It seams to sputter before it shuts down like it's running on 4 of the 6 cylinders, and then once it shuts down it blows the fuse. 

This is a very long message but it would be very appreciated if someone has had a similar issue and figured out a way to solve it.

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Never heard of anything like that; sorry to hear you're having such trouble... super weird symptoms... one thing I'd suggest is to get the entire loom relevant to ignition looked at by an auto-elec, as the "shorting immediately" is a bad-bad sign, electrically speaking.



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I got an auto electrician to have a look at, found that the wire after the pcm which goes to the fuse box was either grounding or adding extra resistance, in the range of 20-55amps on a fuse that runs at 15amps. He just instead wired in a new wire as the old one ran between the engine and gearbox, he said that it's when the engine twists on the mounts the wire must be getting squashed or grounding or something.

For $400 dollars for 5 hours of labour I can't complain, it was a tricky one and now looking I wouldn't have been able to do it myself.

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