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VCT actuators... are the pre 2004 & the post compatible?


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I'm doing a head swap on a friend's ba N/A xr6 and it appears that the reco head he has sourced to do the job is a 2003 head and has the smaller diameter vct actuators, where the car to get the swap is a mk11 with the bigger sized versions.

The replacement head is fully reconditioned and I was wondering if it's possible to fit the replacement head along with a pair of actuators from the donor car in which we sourced the head before reconditioning?

I'm not too familiar with how they function but I'm assuming that it's basically a solenoid valve controlled by the ECU to control the phasers?

My question really is, do they have the same flow rates as the later model or will they need calibrating in the ECU?

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