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Kings for Handling Improvement?


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  • Member For: 11y 3m 17d

Hey Folks.


I've had Koni Red shocks in since 2016 set to medium, they did improve the damping I think.  


I am still looking for a way to tighten the handling up.   Of course shockworks is the go to, but it is a lot of coin.


Wondering if those who have tired Kings, springing that only very slightly drops the car have actually felt any appreciable improvement in the handling?   Standard springs in my view are somewhat lacking in terms of nose dive, roll, and plantedness of the rear end.


I'm not really wanting to drop the ride height but willing to lose a small amount of height to get a more planted set up.


Grateful if anyone that has tried these could share their experience. 



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Kings are fine for handling when lowered or not, in general, as they're a quality spring. But if you're looking for far better performance overall then coilovers are the way to go for things like track days... Kings largely depend on the shock absorber used with them for overall performance so will go well with your Koni Reds.

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  • Member For: 11y 3m 17d

Thanks K31TH. 

Always grateful for your insights and have gone ahead with the springs. 

I see you did something similar and have to say your BA looks great with the dropped ride height and those new wheels. 

I also had some conflicting advice from differing folk at Kings.  I’m sure both options they talked about would suffice. I would love it if their catalogue provided a bit more by way of tech specs for those of us not just solely looking for an aesthetic change. 

I’ll throw some further feedback in to this post after clocking up some ks to cover what I’ve done and weather appreciable improvement. 

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  • Member For: 11y 3m 17d

Feedback is very positive.

Being an immigrant myself I grew up light european cars of the 80s,90s and 2000s, all of which came from that era where cars were that bit more communicative and lighter.

I would have previously rated the factory handling of the FG XR6 Turbo as poor to fair; very nicely optimised for cruising and for long sweeping bends, but really not at all set up for tighter turning and situations where the road camber is not in your favour.   I definitely identified with RAB's write up on the vagueness around the stock set up (see his write up on replacing with shockworks).

Not wanting anything more than the mildest of lowering I went to rear 68SL and front 40SL.  Many providers don't sell the 40SL for the FG generation XR6 Turbo, but it does fit.

The overall stiffer rate in the later part of the travel is far better than stock in terms of general feel, under braking and in all types of cornering entry and exit. The initial spring rate is perfectly suited to smoothing out the uneven surfaces and light to moderate imperfections.  Possibly the initial spring rate is just the right compromise to load up the outside wheel a little but with much improved roll control and no messy rebound.

The lowering of the front is imperceptible, aesthetically I wouldn't mind seeing it a bit lower, but then speed bumps and driveway entries are a pain so I'm happy as is.   The rear is down slightly which give the car a flatter stance, where in stock the rear seems to sit slightly higher.


Obviously I went this route as I was already running with Koni reds.  What the 2023 cost is for these springs plus koni reds relative to the shockworks full kit, I don't know, but in combination if shockworks isn't going to bust your budget, then may push the boat out and get the best of the best.  For the cost of these springs (450ish) to complement my exsitig Koni's I'm very happy.  


Get on a tight twisty road I'm still going to get smoked by a XR5T, let alone a modern ST or RS focus.  However, if you're not all about little mountain roads, and lets be honest that is not common place here in eastern Aus, then these are really good option.  I'm kicking myself for having not done this years ago.


If a e90 335i msport or megane 265 is 10/10, then I'd say the car is now a 6.5 having previously been a 4.5.  These particular springs in my view have not taken anything away from ride comfort.  Not sure if the various ones that drop the height even moreso would be as livable for me in my cantankerous forties.



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