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Sudden rough idle


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So, I took her for a spin, not sparing the Jandal, everything was fine.


however next time I started her up she’s idling rough (around 500rpm), drives ok (haven’t gone far or footed it), but returning to idle and it’s rough again even when warm.


it’s not a daily driver, but really want to get her happy again.


I’m a car guy in the sense that I love cars, and can follow a Haynes manual to replace faulty parts, but not a tear down an engine and rebuild it type of car guy.


if anyone has any suggestions where to start that would be great.


happy to go get new plugs and coils and fit myself.

done 61k so not sure if needed or not.


any guidance given appreciated (I’m a kiwi so if anyone who helps ever needs a tour guide over here I’m happy to do so in exchange for getting my beast happy again)



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