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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year FY23


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  • The Noble Leader
  • Administrator
  • Member For: 22y 4m 26d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Sydney Australia

Well another year, has come and gone, and its that time again to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Its the time of the year to spend those treasured moments with loved ones, to create memories that last a lifetime, and to take the time to breathe and be happy for the blessings for the last year, big or small.


Life has its strange ways of often throwing curve balls our way in which we need to deal with, interest rate rises, world crisis, and of course the dreadful COVID. But use this time to regenerate, and live for the now.


I want to personally thank all of you that still support the site, whether it be by visiting, being a part of the community, or throwing in a dollar or two to keep us afloat. As always the site costs, a good amount of money to keep going with server costs, hosting fees, and software upgrades (which we still need to do), but we keep going for you, our members.


It still makes me smile, when i see a XR6 Turbo, Typhoon, F6 310 on the road...  


Much love to all our members again at this time of the year. We hope you have a great one, and more importantly a safe one.


If you do want to donate to the site, our link is always open, and funds will be used for upgrades, hosting, and to keep the lights on  - https://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/clients/donations/

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