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HJ's build thread


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  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 14y 9d

Pleased to say she's up and running. First 30km run in, just pulling a few gears up to 3,500rpm with moderate to mild load then backing off and repeating. Pulled the oil filter apart, nothing of concern thankfully. Will send it this weekend and work on a 98 tune for it. 


Meth tank is going to work. First try picked up the factory washer bottle mounts without issue. Can do with some optimising for version 2, but good enough to move forward and commit to the install with this version. For version 2, I need to double check the fog light position and see if I can add in some more volume around it and there is also opportunity to add volume in the void just below the head light. 




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  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 14y 9d

2nd time around. Engine out. Learning curves... Lucky bearings are cheap. Clean, clean and clean. And clean. And if you didn't catch on, clean. White rag in, white rag out. It cannot be understated enough. And no matter what you're told, at the very least use plastigauge to confirm you're in the ball park on your clearances. Anyway, moving on from those apprentice things... Oh, and de-pump your lifters. And another massive don't in amongst all the other big don'ts; do not put assembly lube behind the bearings. Yep, 1st class rookie here making all the mistakes. Argh, time is free and the wife is very forgiving.


But leaving all that behind, more positive stuff to report. Got a few bonus jobs done. Posted some of these shots in Puffs thread the other day, please excuse the repeats...


Lock wired the Pulsar turbo housing bolts.




Bodgied up the Pulsar 1mm oil restrictor fitting into the factory oil feed fitting



Red loctite and lock wired the flex bolts. I understand the bolts out backing issue is a combination of power level (say 500+) and what the engine is being turned to (say 6500rpm+) but regardless, got in there first. Early worst case, I feel all sorts of vibrations. Research suggests that at my power level goal I should be ok anyway. 


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