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have a fg xr6 turbo mk2 and have put in a atomic HD chain 


on start up makes a rattling sound and goes way but due to the rev increase on start up it makes it


when also in park reving it  between around 2000-3000 rpm will make the sound of a rattle and whine but then coming down on revs goes away


I have done a short video also https://youtu.be/fXsoLIM0jow


any help or info on it would be helpful if anyone has experienced this sound 



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  • Member For: 6y 6m 3d


have a fg xr6 turbo mk2 and have put in a atomic HD chain 


on start up makes a rattling sound and goes way but due to the rev increase on start up it makes it


when also in park reving it  between around 2000-3000 rpm will make the sound of a rattle and whine but then coming down on revs goes away


I have done a short video also 


any help or info on it would be helpful if anyone has experienced this sound 


As annoying as this may seem, throw that atomic tensioner in the bin and get OEM or Empire.
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  • Member For: 6y 6m 3d
I've only just not listened to your audio clip.

I used to have the exact same sound and I was original tensioner and chain etc. I've since changed to Empire for both and I hadn't noticed the sound but have a loud exhaust on so that drowns it it.

*edit I have just checked and I no longer have the sound....the only thing changed in my valve train was the chain, tensioner and guides.
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