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Combined States Snowy Cruise - November 2022


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Have a turbo ute now, the car I had when I was active here met its demise that involved a kangaroo and a power pole.

Stopped participating in car stuff when a good friend and active member here passed away (not car related).


Thought I'd jump on again and have a look.

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  • Member For: 12y 9m 7d
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  • Location: Tumut

Hey lads, I’ll be keen to go for a squirt if it’s the 2nd weekend in November. Otherwise I’m booked out with other commitments.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Cruise Whore
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Work is getting on top of me for the moment and finances are a bit tight right now for me for another cruise.  We lost a few people through redundancies.  I was almost last man standing :roflmbo:  Then I had to pick up some extra responsibilities due to org changes ... :omg: 

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  • 4 months later...
  • Cruise Whore
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  • Member For: 19y 2m 12d
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Remember all those pot holes we drove over on the Snowy's cruise few years back?  I gotta say, I hit some craters back then and came out of it relatively unscathed.  However, today driving on the sedate M1 to Moe, missed a hole on the left and 2 wheels went over it clunk clunk.  Steering was okay and car was not shuddering as I drove at 110km/h so thought nothing more of it.  Get to Moe and Farrk me, both tyres on the left had a bulge on the side wall.  What the hell happened to all our taxes for road maintenance.  I would never have expected the M1 to have so many bad pot holes ...:veryangry:


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  • Gold Donating Members
  • Member For: 9y 5m 25d
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  • Location: Canberra ACT

Hey Gaz. That's no fun! You are giving me flashbacks of the 4x wheel repairs and new tires I needed after that trip.

A couple years back in Canberra there were tons of potholes after an extended rain period. People were claiming repair costs back off the ACT government so you could try contacting whoever operates the road and saying they've caused pothole damage.

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