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my 03 ba xr6t wont go past 4k revs


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Hello I just replaced the stock turbo as my other one was on its way out and and now I have a problem where if the car is in neutral I can rev it past 4k revs but when I'  in drive and driving I go to step on it and when it gets to about 4k revs and has a misfit and its like its cutting boost or something but every time it doesn't go past 4k revs it haves like a little pop to it like a pipe blow off but then ill check all my pipes and they are sill all on so I have no clue what I have done wrong if anyone knows plz help me out I'm getting sick of having to fix the I <3 Bananasen thing. 

and it has been sitting for about 2 months with the same fuel of 98 that wouldn't make the car do that would it?

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Only things I have done to it while I have owned the car is replace STOCK TURBO which means it’s stock so it’s almost like it wouldn’t need one if it’s the STOCK one yeah? And a bigger intercooler and that is it it has a fuel pump and stuff from the previous owner everything was perfectly fine until I replace the STOCK turbo.

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I emailed the Company asking if this is a factory stock replacement with the same size actuator as the stock actuator they replied back and also said it is a stock factory replacement turbo. 

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Then it's not the same. Plus, you said the company you bought it off said it's the same as an OEM one... but are you 100% sure the one you took off was an OEM one?

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I have a video here it only lets me show 5 secs of it cos the file is to big or something but I thought the brand of turbo didn’t matter so long as it is same specs? Or am I wrong? I’m sill learning sh*t everyday ahah and the one I took off is a gt3582 I’m pretty sure it looks like one and that one was a Garret

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this site isn't for hosting video :)  use youtube or similar and then post the link in here if you need to post a better video.


27 minutes ago, Seth said:

the one I took off is a gt3582 I’m pretty sure it looks like one and that one was a Garret

just because you took one off that looks like a GT3582, doesn't mean it actually is. It's entirely possible it was a FG turbo or similar or even a modified variant etc, both of which scenario could cause your current circumstances.

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