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NSW Hunter Valley Weekend

Guest cul08r

What would you like to do for the Hunter Valley Cruise?  

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  • voy74656
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ok ppl...I just got home now...total of 3,315k's round trip.....my head is swimming atm....the amount of stuff that has happened between us leaving on Thursday night and getting home now.....my mind is trying to come to terms with it. :spoton:

On a good note - not 1 problem witth the car - which was expected as she is HgAg after all :lol:

I'm going to unpack the car and have a hot shower and freshen up and will then come back and start posting. :spoton:

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oh....and I've changed my pword.....trust Ken to find my pword on his pc...I swear that I closed the browser. hmmm.. :blush:

You gotta log out too, dude. I've done that at work before, not that anyone else uses my PC there, but still pays to use caution!!

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I forgot to thank Andrew and Karen! :blush: Guys, top effort for the weekend, it all came together without a single hitch - excellent job!!

I really enjoyed myself, especially when JB, crisso and I were catching up to the rest of the group about 15 minutes after the Putty Rd stop. :blush:

Can't wait until the next one - once again Andrew & Karen, well done!

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  • voy74656
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Massive thanks goes out to Andrew & Karen - the cruise to me went off without a hitch. Awesom organisation! We seriously had an awesom time!!! Made the effort of 15 hours of driving up worth every k'm. :nod: I'm making a start on those Weetbix now.

Firstly though I must thank Ken, Leanne and Vicki for their hospitality on the Friday night. I was seriously drained from the drive up and was looking forward to relaxing for a few hours....but as soon as we drove up Ken's street and saw his T in the driveway.....the BLINDING reality....I almost had to cover my eyes...weird thing though is that Kens T was in the garage...not natural I tell you...not natural.....and those tyres.......if you're able to see your reflection in them...someone must have sold their soul to satan.... well done Ken...well done.

Phil is also sending you all the links now for Magic....I'll just continue to shake my head.

Thanks to every1 for welcoming us as well - was awesom to meet u all and put faces to names. I wouldnt have made the trip if I didnt think I would have had a good time. All you guys and gals blew me away. You're all an awesom bunch and look forward to catching up again in Tassie.

The main highlights for me were the prize give aways on the saturday night - I'm thinking that was a little rigged though for me....hmmmm...moving right along....

Seeing Ken do the YMCA...so much photo evidence was taken that he'll never step outa line again for threats of blackmail. :lol:

Thumbs up to that New Zealander Zena having her own 24 hour party - that girl shore likes her Karaoke. :ermm:

Putty road was just awesom..what a wild piece of road - similar to our Adelaide hills roads.... :w00t2: bloody Magna drivers though ....

On the drive back our minds were swimming because we only left on Thursday night at midnight and we crammed so much into 4 days. The memory that I'll remember the most was constantly seeing so many T's driving down the road every colour of the rainbow - such an awesom sight!

I'll be sorting through the 500+ pics that phil took and posting them in the photo gallery soon so stay tuned.

I'm looking now into the Tassie cruise - sounds like an awesom trip.... plus Melbourne is only 8 hours away - eassssy trip.

Words really dont do justice to what I experienced so I'll just finish in saying thanks to all for a most enjoyable experience. :spoton:

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Guest Tha_Hobbit
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Well, where do I start...

First of all, I would like to point out that through reading and starting to type this reply I have missed elevensies, so I am now cranky and hungry.

Second of all, the sitting at the feet of Gandalf was concidental. Purely coincidental. As for the raucous in Ken's room after, I have to say "I don't know, and I have no opinion." :w00t2:

Thirdly, Kudos go out to Karen and Andrew. I think with the organisational and leadership skills they made the event more special, certainly for me. I haven't been on a Ford rally before (Expensive Daewoo boy) and I have to say it was great fun.

Now for the rest of it!

I kept a journal of the event, starting with Cain flooding the engine back in Adelaide when we were ready to depart, right down to arriving back here in Adelaide, so I will type it all up and post it here for all to see. I started it as a Expensive Daewoo V Ford thing, but it got to difficult to think, so I just wrote down everything that happened. Such incidents include:

Friday, 1022: Cain mentions he needs to pee. Spends next 32 kms saying h e needs to pee. In turn he makes me need to pee. Spend next 14 kms holding it in until we reach a Macca's where I can finally pee.

1640: Ken and Cain degrade me by forcing me to wash a Ford. Then they b**ch that I missed a spot. All the while, Ken taking photos of my jiggly ass.

Saturday, 851: Started the Convoy. 3 HgAg cars. Ken, Cain, Gaza. Cain almost wet himself over the experience, and had a hissy fit about me getting out of the car in traffic to take a photo of Gaza's car. (Later note, he now loves the picture so much he has set it to a desktop background!)

950: Started the Obs Rally. Ford drivers must be strange people, requesting a Freddo Frog, an unused in wrap condom, and fruit or veg totalling as $1. I just went along with the crazy people, not asking any questions about what they have in mind later on...

1750: Watched an Australian Lawn Bowls player on TV give a Lleyton Hewitt fist pump while he smacked the Scottish bowls away from the jack.

Sunday, 700: Woken up by alarm. Tried to pretend it wasnt happening but the damn thing was too persistent.

825: MEandered over to the breakfast area and started to clear the camera of photos as the night before I ahd filled it up. It didnt want to take anymore.

1310: Had lunch at a stop on Putty road. Scenery was wonderful, and enjoyed watching people trying to devour a burger as big as my head. Photos were taken, oh so many photos!!!

1550: Enjoyed Peak Hour Traffic on a Sunday. Had CB's on to have some fun!

1750: Enjoyed playing CB eye spy with Andrew and his missus in the XR6 (non-turbo). Got bored so we started racing with a red car. Got too dangerous so we had to back off.

1810: Arrived in Canberra. Speaking on CB's and noticed someone else was chatting as well. His name was Don. He was creepy and depressed. I think he was stalking me for my blood candies but I am still uincertain.....

As I said, these are just snippets o0f the whole trip. Once everything is typed up I will post it here for all to see.

I would also like that picture of me doing the nutbush removed post haste! No one wants to see a fat man jiggle! :ermm:

Anyways, food time, so thanks again to everyone! Ken and Lee for their hospitality and food, Vicki for the chat and the cup of tea, Andrew and Karen for the rally, Trumpy for his misdirected directions and guidance through Sydney. Phantom, for tailing us making sure we didnt go the wrong way, Andrew adn his missus for the fun cruise to Canberra, and the guys in Canberra for baring with us whilst Cain and Andrew did not drink. Lightweights! And Gaza, for his always inappropriate comments and lack of self conttrol! :lol:

Once again, if I dont see you guys between now and Tassie, good driving and keep safe! I am still trying to convince Cain to go, but I might just have to buy myelf an XR6 so I can participate. I never realised how hard it is being a passenger on these, as you always wanna let it out yourself. So congrats to thoise that had to put up being a passenger, you will never be appreciated by the drivers for all the assistance you give. :spoton:


- Tha Hobbit (formerly known as Expensive Daewoo Boy, reffered to as Phil)

Edited by Tha_Hobbit
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Has anyone got some of the footage taken from posts on the side of the road, hanging out of sunroofs, etc?

Would love to see some of that!

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  • voy74656
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ya...got all that on the laptop. I'm going to sort thru them 2nite at work and post em when I get home. :pinch:

Also need to know if its ok to post the video file of all u guys and gals driving past as well - its quite large....I'll need to compress it with Divx or whatever to bring it down.

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