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NSW Hunter Valley Weekend

Guest cul08r

What would you like to do for the Hunter Valley Cruise?  

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Guest cul08r
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Forgot to add the results of the Observation Rally. I have never run or been involved in one of these things where the scores have been so close.

1st place tied XRSEX & TURBO6MAN

2nd place tied TRUMPY & KEN24T

3rd place PHANTOMXR6

Out of a possible score of 85 points, first place was 81, second place was 80.5 and third was 80 points.

I am definately going to make any future ones HARDER. Even harder than a fresh cucumber...


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Nyopa's rendition of Love is in the Air was very good also :spoton:

I thought the best display of "Love is in the Air" was The Hobbit's loyalty while sitting at the feet of the great Ken all evening. I hope he let him off his leash for a bit before returning to his room. :lol:

Funny you mention that Garry. After we went back to our rooms that night, I think I heard some funny noises coming from the direction where Ken was staying and maybe The Hobbit got rewarded for his loyalty. :k24t: I think the sqealing only lasted 30 seconds. :k24t:

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  • Gandalf the Grey, Maiar of Manwë and Varda, Team HgAg/Sneaky
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Man that weekend went sooo quick!

Where to begin, well first I'd like to personally thank (as I already have) the boys from SA, Cain (Voy) and Phil (Hobbit), for making the monumental effort to come and join us. I'm sure they enjoyed the event as much as we enjoyed having them. :spoton:

I'm not sure I'll invite them to stay at my place again though, since they're left I've noticed several items missing ... mainly food (Hobbit?) ... lots of bandwidth used (Cain?) ... and the cat now has a pronounced limp and a stunned/surprised looked on his face? :k24t:

The trip up to the toll gates was interesting for them I'm sure, Saturday morning traffic through Sydney is a little different from the usual Adelaide fair. I particularly enjoyed the part where Cain was being abused by on-coming highway traffic approaching him as he reversed up the freeway, after a dodgy traffic direction ... not mine (Gazza???), I might add.

What can I say about the obs rally, except between the continual CB chatter by Hobbit complaining that he'd missed second breakfast and it was now time for "elevensies" ... and SWMBO and I arguing about the tasks on the rally ... man! what a morning.

I'd like to register a complaint about the accommodation ... not the facilities themselves, but more the location of my room. How the hell did I get wedged in between JB and Trumpy? I should have known right there and then, that I was in a great deal of trouble.

The food and the facilities at the Inn were great but, if I knew then what I know now, I would have joined SWMBO and called it an early night and retired to the (relative) safety of the room. But no, a little voice in my head (JB?) say's "Why don't you stay for one drink" ... next thing I know it's 1:00 am, I can't talk, walk or think straight and people are threatening me with all sorts of blackmail pics?

Now, no matter what you hear, read or see, please understand that alcohol is a powerful and dangerous substance, especially if someone continually supplys you with fresh supplies ... ALL NIGHT!!!

A have some (vague) recollections of being dragged up onto stage and trying to hide behind people ... loud music, bad voices, missed lines, air guitar and drums and embarrassing "white man two-step" was the order of the night. My voice was absolutely stuffed by morning.

Kudos to the girls! Man can those girlies party!! Kudos to Sinatra to (you know who you are ;)) … what a sleeper … waited til we all made absolute gooses of ourselves then casually strolled up to the mic and blew the room away.

Sunday was great, lots of cold, cold air and long roads. Team HgAg took the lead towards the end of the day and I’d like to apologize for the slight breach of speed limits on certain stretches. Just sort of happened, you know … sorry. :k24t:

… so, enough ranting for the moment, there was so much going on that it’s hard to be specific about all of it, so let me just say a big generic thanks to all who organized, and all those who participated. YOU GUYS ROCK!


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I am definately going to make any future ones HARDER. Even harder than a fresh cucumber...

By the way Andrew that cucumber that you received was fresh and hard. As I was told by the people that gave it to you. When it returned it had a few battle scars, just wondering what you and Karen got up to. :k24t: I didnt know you like cucumbers in that way. :spoton:

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Guest cul08r
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It's like this XRSEX. I went to sleep and woke up sore. And I think those dents were from the savage bliss or the ribbed things. Like I said, I have no memory of what happened to the cucumber in the back seat of my car...


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Awesome weekend guys and girls....

I can't thank Andrew and Karen enough for some fantastic planning and wonderful patience...

My wife had a great time too. Well done!

Best Regards,

From the only Narooma Blue on the cruise!

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...let alone seeing :fishin:  :spoton: doing his YMCA thing-Talk about a stage hog

here's the evidence... well co-ordinated arms for an old fellow!

'Cept for the bloke on the right, it looke to me like that old American folk group The Brothers Three..........

Or was that The Kingston Trio


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  • Xtreme Xalted Member
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It looks like this was a fantastic cruise. Well done to all you southern folk. Particularly to get visitors from SA.

Youse dun real good. Would love to have been there.

Can anything stop the onslaught of these T's and their jocky's..?


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  • Just sit back and enjoy the ride...!
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Alrighty then.... got my flame suit on. :k24t:


I have posted a small selection from the weekend festivities. You can find them all in the Hunter Valley Cruise Gallery. So enjoy...


NOTE: I will not be held accountable and responsible for anyone's potential embarassment from my happy snaps. These pics are fun and full of vitality.


Those of you after some more "incriminating" photos of this website's denizens will have to wait a few days until I get through the hundreds of photos I shot.... then they'll go up on my own website! *muwhahahahahaha*

But seriously, best cruise I been on to date. Had such an excellent time, even though doing the Obs Rally by myself (no navigator) was quite tough. Man, I love a challenge! :whistle:

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