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Ford intech mods


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Hey guys looking at doing some work to a intech xg and doing a list of mods to it just wondering if anyone has done something similar and what sort of power you got out of it


cold air intake.

2.5 full exhaust with high flow cat

zero decking the head

stage 3 camshaft (crow cams) 

valve springs 

J3 tune chip 

vernier cam gear kit 


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  • Puff
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You zero deck a block, not a head.


Na mods are a waste of money. The jankiest turbo setup will sh*t all over a mild na setup like you've described.


You'll easily spend $10 to $12k drive in drive out for that list and you'll still get smashed by stock Hondas.


Get a turbo on it or leave it stock.

  • Shocked 1
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I like your thinking, puffster :)


but if you want to go ahead and do it, why not... it'll sound good, but won't make bulk power.

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  • Puff
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Facts are facts.


I've done a hectic ported and decked head with a j3 chip and E85 tune on an au I used to own. Came up to 230psi comp in all cylinders.


The first 98 tune made a fair difference according to the butt dyno. Haha sucker pulled 90kph out of first gear.


I paid 800 to get the head cleaned and decked with new cut down guides, ported it myself.


I bought a tuning kit through ti performance and got a custom bin from Jason so I could do the E85 scaling on the injectors. I tuned it myself of course and was happy enough with the result.


Knowing what I know now, turbo is the way to go with any na car for more power. Later model V8 commodores are the exception as they make great power with na style mods.


Edit: did a custom resistor circuit to make the trans shift like a mofo.

Edited by Puffwagon
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  • Member For: 3y 1m 9d

Yes sorry I got mixed up with zero decking the block with the head. I would love to turbo but I still got my p’s for another 2 years, when I’m off my p’s it will for sure be putting a snail on it. Also is it worth porting the heads or just taking a bit off bottom 

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