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Hi  everyone 


I have bf xr6 turbo and have just spotted out a oil leak coming from in between the heat shield and the power steering 


Was abit of a trail all the way down to sump when I had purchased the car few month ago


have just cleaned it all up and 2 days later of driving now its coming from where I just mentioned 


Here is a picture 



Timing case maybe ? It is engine oil and not power steering oil 

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  • Puff
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Clean it properly, go for a drive around the block for 5 minutes then see where it's leaking from. Two days of driving is too long to pinpoint a leak.

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I did clean it properly all the way to bottom


I ment two days of driving as in its been two days of checking it for two days from after cleaning


when I cleaned it all dry from top to bottom degreased, air compessor I took it for a 10 minute drive and nothing and then 4 to 5 hours later of letting it sit it started to slowly see a little wet patch up top where I mentioned and now a little more the next day being now in that pic and has not yet trickled down to the block


I have taken off the the heat shield near the power steering and its in the corner but hard to see

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  • Puff
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Yeah you can't see frig all in the pic. The things that can show a leak in that area are; cam solenoid seals, rocker cover, timing cover, power steering and head. Air turbulence does funny tings to oil leaks so bear that in mind.


All you can do is what I said to start with. If it appears and you can't pinpoint it then you have to start again and make sure you catch it as soon as it appears. Unfortunately there is no easy way to do it and this is what any mechanic shop will be doing.

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  • Puff
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Alright we can see that a bit better. Looks to be timing cover or head.


If the car has been tuned and sent for a 6 then it could be the head but more then likely is just the timing cover.


Maybe you can clean it off again, run it in the driveway with the heat shield off and watch it? Might have to rev it a few times to get the oil splashing around.


Don't rule out it being anything else but that's what I'm seeing.

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  • Member For: 21y 6m 3d
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It'll be the timing cover and leaking from where the rocker cover meets it on the side (where they goop the corners).
Mine did the same on a highway cruise when the catch can lines I had plumbed up were kinked so I'm guessing it blew a pooper valve! It also coincidentally misfired badly while overtaking a few times but I can't really say if the two are related although if I'm sticking to the anus theme then we all know how much wind hurts when you don't let it out...

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