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OEM Engine Oil Cooler/Heat Exchanger Question


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Hi Everybody! 


So I thought I'd wait until after Xmas and boxing day to post and ask about the cooler. I did an intermediate oil change on the F6X on Xmas eve and by chance found the cooler was loose, the adapter was two turns loose and I didn't have a 12mm hex adapter/Allen key so after 3 farking hours of searching for a bolt/nut at 11pm I found a bolt with a 12mm head and then two nuts to lock together so I could torque up the adapter!


Anyway...I didn't dwell on it to much until the next morning and my question is, is the unit a sealed unit (I'm assuming yes) and if it is then wtf was it leaking coolant? I didn't remove the cooler to inspect at the time because well it was almost midnight and the two hoses weren't leaking and clamps were tight. It appeared to be leaking from the back against the engine block side and once I nipped it up finger tight it stopped leaking. I torqued it to 12ish lbft on my used and abused 2nd hand torque wrench (17nm erryish). 

I brake cleaned the area and filled up with the usual 10w40 (had extra 5w30 in there for a month) and a new ryco filter. 

No contamination that I can see atm but that was only idling to operating temp (neighbours loved it at midnight!).

Long winded as usual but I'm yet to take it onto the highway and rape her so anyone who has removed this unit and looked at it can they give me some feed back please? I'll bypass it with some copper tube and join the two hoses if it's not meant to leak or just pour 98oct over the car and set it on fire... 



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Hi , yours is an Fgx ! Very rare and absolutely awesome car ! Only 251 were built ! I own among other thing a F 6 310. 
As far as I know , there shouldn’t be any coolant coming where the oil flows ! Maybe bypass and get it looked at or test it via compressed air at the relief valve setting that it says in the header coolant tank ? Don’t go full send with 100 psi as it will be stuffed then ! 

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  • 5 months later...
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  • Member For: 3y 4m 28d
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Hey fellas sorry to dig up a older thread. Does anyone know if the OEM engine oil cooler/heat exchanger has a inlet and outlet for the coolant hoses? I removed the transmission heat exchanger and need to plumb the cooling lines back in. 

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