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identifying Leaf load, what leafs can be removed.


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  • Member For: 3y 2m 26d

hey guys,  previously removed one leaf, from the bottom which was a short leaf , and managed to drop my ute about 70mm, needless to say my rear is majorly high - nose diving still and I don't carry heavy loads in the tray. I was wondering what leaf I should remove ? I have another small one at the bottom followed by 5 long ones which are encased in the pack, the ride on the rear is very bumpy 



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If you could post a photo of your leaf pack would be best.

But it sounds like you have a 1 ton leaf pack. If you don't carry anything heavy the safest thing to do would get an xr sports leaf pack. Should be easy to find on Facebook from people who have put in lower leaves.

But remove from the bottom of the pack moving up. The separate lowest spring is probably an overload spring.

The 1 ton packs have a higher natural ark in them than the sport leaves so removing enough to make it low would leave it basically useless for carrying anything and loose AF.
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  • Member For: 3y 2m 26d

thanks for your response, is there a way to add a photo without uploading it to an external party site?


im believe what you are saying is probably correct, I guess I will have to look out for some second hands springs. I recently shimmed my diff when removing the leaf as it caused vibration from the pinion angle. would these Utes with lower leaf packs have a pre desired diff angle to suit these springs 

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Yep, that looks just like fords Heavy Duty 1 tonne leaf pack, not the regular 1 ton, the heavy duty 1 ton. Only good if your always carrying a load.
How much weight do you actually intend to carry?
Xr6 sports suspension is 500kg
Standard is 750kg
Or the regular 1 ton pack which is still high but a bit softer to drive empty.

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This pic from top down is
Xr6 500kg
King Springs 750kg
And Ford 1 ton.

So removing the bottom 2 leaves from the pack will probably give you something like the standard 1 ton pack.
It'll definitely be more comfortable but nowhere near xr6 low.
Sport leaves are flatter so your leaves will never sit low unless you have them reset, which'll cost more than a second hand set.53e59a2dfb44a71fe52c39e0e6947bde.jpg

Each leaf removed should be replaced with a steel plate on the bottom of the pack, to maintain the pack thickness. otherwise you'll be changing the min/max stroke distance of the shocks and they may top out or bottom out early.

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  • Silver Donating Members
  • Member For: 12y 1m 28d
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  • Location: Griffith NSW

I'd leave that one there mate. It's the overload leaf. It only ever takes weight when carrying large loads or in a big dip/pothole. Adds stiffness to the pack only in the last inch or 2 to help stop slamming into the bump stop and breaking things.
Removing won't help with lowness or driving comfort

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