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The Barra is meant to be reliable. I want power AND reliability. How can I get the best of both worlds?


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15 hours ago, TRYME said:

IMS diff hat is a must in any modded falcon! Such a big difference 

Interesting. What's an ims diff hat and what's it do?


1 hour ago, Tom Tucker said:

300rwkw isn't fast


Damn ok, so when do we move into fast territory? 


Sounds like if I want a fast falcon I won't be able to have reliability, but with an unlimited budget we should be able to build an unbreakable car, no?


3 hours ago, Tom Tucker said:

you should do driveline

What exactly do you mean by this? What would we be doing to the drive line?


Remember, unlimited budget. If it takes me 10 years to save the money to do this, so be it. 


I want performance and reliability. It must be possible! If this forum can't figure out how to engineer this, then it can't be done. But I have trust in you all!

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replacement diff hat removes the diff whine, diff backlash, driveline backlash and diff bush/bolt replacement issues.


300rwkw is pretty fast, to be fair... it'll be faster than a huge majority of other cars... you'll just find it's slow if you take on other modded XR6T's and exotics, just when you really want to be fast haha... although the law of averages says you'll be driving your daily when you get to face somebody with a quick car anyway ;)


it's the same with any car, the old aphorism: fast, reliable, cheap; choose two and the other is rendered impossible.

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My FG has to be my daily, I refuse to go back


I have made my choice. Fast and reliable!


Ok so what about this idea. I build it up to handle 450rwkw and tune it to 300 and 400. That way, I can flip a switch when I want to give it a proper squirt, but daily at 300ish (or a little more if I so decide). That way it's built up to handle way more than I ever use. Could this work?

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that's a good strategy, to run up a number then back it off 15-20% haha ... definitely adds longevity to a car... of course when you get to certain power levels it's inevitable something will eventually break... but that's modifying cars for power :)

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Another question for you guys, once I'm at these power levels, fuel consumption will undoubtedly increase. Is it possible to tune a high powered car down for fuel economy. So if im in traffic or wife's in the car I can put it down to my economy tune, then when I want to, back up to my standard 300ish tune. Or is this me dreaming and I'll need to live with 25L+ per hundred?


Assuming I drive with a feather foot as well. Assuming no squirts at all

Edited by FGeorge
No Heavy foot assumption
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A quality tune takes into account your fuel economy in low throttle scenarios, so if you're using low throttle a lot you'll have adequate fuel consumption for such a large vehicle :) Obviously this goes out the window if you're fanging it often haha... of course you can switch the tune before the wife drives haha, but that's while the car is sitting still for minutes at a time... I think you can do tune switching with the car running with specific tuning hardware, but best to confirm with your choice of tuner.

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1 hour ago, FGeorge said:

Or is this me dreaming and I'll need to live with 25L+ per hundred?


I get around 23L/100 on e85 @ ~420kw


Anything over 350kw(maybe even lower) you struggle for grip.  Even with 275 Bridgestone RE050 and soft rear MCA coilovers setup, I struggle.


I dont know what people are considering fast these days (assuming 10s w/ slicks @ 135+mph from the comments above)... But in street trim,  300rwkw should get you a low 12s at 115ish, 400rwkw will be a mid 11 in the 120s.  On the street one of these will be hookup better than the other. and unless you regularly drive over 130kph you wont miss the extra power.


I drive mine as a daily, have several tune levels. low(15psi) mid(17psi) high(19psi) both in 98 and e85(high 21psi).  The one that gets used the most is the low boost 98 tune. Even ramp the boost in slower to keep traction on the street.


Having said all that, once you start with more power you'll want even more... til the budget runs out/becomes harder to justify 😄


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52 minutes ago, FGeorge said:

what's your kw and fuel economy for this?

Think atm of the top of my head, with an avg speed of 35kph im averaging around 15L/100. When I was doing longer freeway driving with average 40kph closer to 12L/100.  And on longer country trips, still the same as stock as it's mostly off boost and cruising instantaneous sits at 7-8 when doing between 100-110.


But the thing is, once you mod, you stop caring about fuel consumption. it is going to be one of your lower costs on this journey even if you're paying $2/L for E85 like us over here in WA

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