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  • Member For: 3y 9m 17d

Hi Ive just put in a FG gas crankshaft into my ba xr6 turbo ute mark 2 .I was thinking of maybe putting a 15lb actuator with a boost controller in the cab. I know people say boost it up. Am I playing with fire or is this a reasonable upgrade. Cheers

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umm, what? you don't just put an FG crank in... that's a huge job haha... I assume you mean camshafts?


Is it tuned? how much boost should it be making if so?


if it's not tuned, no way should you be changing the actuator or the cams.

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  • Member For: 3y 9m 17d

Yeah mate crankshaft. The engine had spun a bearing the mechanic I bought it from removed the auto and the sump and left the ute in his yard for 2 years he didn't get to fix it because he was to busy. That's what he said . I bought it of him and took it to my mechanic then I scored a FG gas motor with spark plug halicols that were piping out so they motor swaped it and I bought that motor for $100  my mechanic took the crankshaft out of the FG and put it in my engine along with the cam chain. Should I get the FG cams installed as well . No it hasn't been tuned . I can get a 12lb actuator turbo smart real cheep . Cheers

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no, you don't want an aftermarket wastegate actuator if you don't have a tune.


no, you don't need to get hte FG cams as well unless you're also going to get it tuned for that.


if you only changed the crank, leave it as is until you want to go down the path of tuning.

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The rods 140k . FG Crankshaft is only 30k and was well within tolerances. I will most likely leave it as is  . I was just wondering if it would take a little extra Boost


I will do as you say seems reasonable. I realise a tune would be best so I'll hang on to the rest of the gas motor for another day cheers

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LeeT - the short answer is that yes it will take some more boost and love it (just not as much boost as the later engines with stronger rods).

But you can't just slap a boost controller in it and send it - the fuelling will be dangerously wrong and the ECU will detect higher than intended boost and shut it down. You need a tune to solve all that. And the factory boost control can be tuned to target higher boost, which makes an aftermarket controller completely unnecessary.

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  • Member For: 3y 9m 17d

Thanks for your information. I'm sure it would take more . Is the boost control run by the ecu. I have an FG gas motor with all the good stuff I got it cheep. I'm not interested in building a rocket ship. Just something with a little bit more than standard. I have some assets I can move and build that rocket ship but for now just baby steps.cheers

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Boost control is run by the ecu correct it demands the boost level.... I respectfully

disagree with the above post that a BA will love more boost.... I'm not a Ford pro but  have built a few fast cars.... guy who tunes my FG for me reputable Sydney shop,, I've actually discussed this with him and he says any BA over 100kays (which is basically all of them now) his not keen on tuning anything more then the mildest of tunes and even then he won't command anymore boost from It,, my personal opinion is save your shillings for when you want proper power rather then pay for multiple tunes and risk an older spaghetti rod engine... ask brad from atomic how much more boost a ba rod can handle 

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