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Already tuned on stock dump, do I need a new tune for new dump?


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I have already. No dice. Have to flash back to stock. Local tuner gave an estimate of $2k for a new flex tune.

Pretty sh*t I have to pay this and am filthy with Pcmtec about this unfair feature. Logging with Forscan or any other tool gives the timing, fuel injector, boost  profile, wideband logging for air fuel ratios also. They havent done anything special that any other decemt tuner couldn't do. Dont understand why it would be locked except to f%ck over customers. If it was a competition tune running against other workshops at the track or drags then fair enough, but for a canned 'stage x' daily drive package that every tuner offers its bullsh*t. 

Edited by hjtrbo
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well, that's not on pcmtec, they just offered the feature, the tuner used it for whatever their intention is... best to ask the tuner what their intention is to clarify as it's obviously hurting you personally and financially and they'd better be justified in their reasoning to do it.


2k is ridiculous for a tune... does that include an xcal and two days of dyno time or something?

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Tuner was very clear with their response. Couldn't have cried any poorer even if I was on centrelink. He wouldn't budge. Pcmtec didn't have to implement it. Hp tuners doesn't for example. 


$2k, I would have thought is ball park. He said $700 just for your basic single fuel tune with no custom OS mods. This is a flex tune so there is a fair bit of dyno time getting the maps set for the blending of fuels. Also running boost per gear so if you're familiar with pcmtec there is a fair amount of credits involved in that cost also. And extra cold start time to get the e85 right. I've done basic tuning in the past so have an appreciation of what needs to be done. 

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right, if you're going for extra stuff like boost by gear, that makes sense...


flex fuel isn't a huge jump in complexity of a tune, realistically, as you'll obviously have a sensor etc installed that the ECU can read and use. $700 sounds right for a normal single fuel tune (which is all most people need) so obviously there's some added stuff to make up the extra $1300 on top of just flex-fuel tuning... but as long as you're happy with the price, no worries :)


Of course tuning software builders don't have to build in the feature, but they did; they don't tell people to use or not to use it and personally I wouldn't hold the software builder responsible for people using a feature, but that's just me I guess.


FYI, hptuners and vcmsuite definitely have the ability to lock tunes. I can't think of a piece of tuning software that doesn't have that ability :idunno:

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Hp only locks out other hp users. Its pretty archaic and easily bypassed if you know who to talk to. Or just a quick Google, there are plenty on eBay offering to unlock for around $90. Would happily pay 3x more once someone cracks the pcmtec unlock. 

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He kept it very simple for me. Its proprietary and he won't do it. Kept my cool throughout the discussion and pleeded every angle. He had the face of a stone. Kinda of like a cops face when you're giving it back to them. Emotionless. 


The only concession he gave was a remote tune, and that was with conditions that I had to hire a dyno and buy the pcmtec software. Refused to entertain the idea of 4th gear pulls on a back road. Dont know why, he only has to adjust the boost controller. Fuelling and spark shouldnt change. Anyway, dyno hire cost plus software puts me close to retune dollars. 


This is how ridiculous it is, I have a 2nd factory PCM that I have to install just to allow me to edit the trans cal. Then, I put the locked one back in just to test my change. 

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