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BF XR6t exterior freshen up

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Hey all,


I have a 2006 BF XR6 Turbo, in deja vu green and relatively low kms with 115,000 on the clock. 


Overall the car is in great condition, but there a few things I'd like to replace/rejuvenate, in order to get her looking nice and fresh like she was from factory... 


Looking for some advice on what I could do for;

• the paint - roof has started fading a bit. How costly is it for a respray (whole car / just the roof) in the same colour? Or what are your thoughts on paint touch up remedies? Plastidip the roof in black? lol

• the duco - removing your usual stone chips from the bonnet etc...

• headlights - starting to get a bit dull. do the headlight "cleaning" products from auto shops actually work, or is getting new pair the way to go? aftermarket headlights, LED?

• moulds - the black moulds that go around the doors. they're a bit dull - any products that can bring these back to life, or just get new moulds? same goes for windscreen wipers, not as a black as they should be..

• badges - the XR6 badges on the side skirts are flakey. one's missing the 6. best place to buy these badges?


Ultimately I just want it to look like a nice clean example of what the BF XR6 Turbo once was... and they're only going up in value, so I consider it an investment more so than an expense (at least that's how I like to justify it to myself :P )

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A respray will never be cheap unless you are friends with a car paint workshop and you do all of the preparation work yourself and then it'll still probably cost over $1k. More like $3-7k (depending on labour rate and paint specific stuff). Touch-ups can work, but if it's fading you'd want to respray. Just the roof will require a certain amount of overspray and colour matching, so will not be cheap on it's own and will look a lot better than any other panel that's started to fade or has clear coat issues. Plastidip is a cheap enough semi-temporary solution, so is vinyl wrapping.


Headlight cleaning stuff works, but you need to put a new clear-coat on the headlights after you've done it to ensure the cleanliness will stick otherwise it'll just fade again quite quickly especially if you get direct sunlight on them.


You can just clean up the door moulds with any silicon spray after soap and they should come up nicely black again. Not sure on how permanent such a thing would be, but a paint shop should be able to give you advice on this front for a more permanent solution.


Ebay for the badges.

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