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The Daily's Quest for 310KW!


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3 minutes ago, Puffwagon said:

You undo the oil drain to the block?

Negative, don't have a trolley jack or stands to lift the car up lol

Left them at my parents house when I moved out at the beginning of the year because I moved into an apartment at the time. 

So yea, just held up by the lack of above mentioned tools. Once I get them I'll be sweet to continue :) 


I figured there wouldn't be much, if any, oil that would come from the turbo seeing as not a lot of oil settles in them. I am mainly concerned about how much oil would come out of the sump when I remove the oil return from it... But if its above the oil that settles in the sump then not a lot will come out of there either... Car has just clicked over 5.5k kms since its last service so I'm contemplating just dumping the oil and coolant and doing a wee service while I'm there. Coolant hasn't been changed for quite a long time.


As for the turbo itself, I'm gonna wait till the new year to see if Rob gets anything back from the warranty people, we were gonna use that money to service the 3582 and buy a 45mm gate. Basically just refresh the 3582 and throw that on the car. I now have the valve springs and that's the only crucial part I need really to put the bigger turbo on the car. I'd like to do head studs too and timing chain... But I think I'm going to have to be patient and wait till I have the funds. I've maxed my zip money account before in the past and I don't wanna do that again 🤣🤣🤣

This is also dependant on how long I can keep my brothers sh*tbox run-around car. He's gotta drive his FG instead... though I don't think he minds too much seeing as it got back from Rob on Tuesday with a healthy 450kw

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Nothing will come out of the sump so no worries there. If you haven't changed the coolant for a while then you may as well drain it first, it'll be much less messy that way. And yeah you should change your oil and filter every 5000km for extended engine life.


When you say refresh the turbo, all you can do is replace the bearing and seals and get it balanced. It'll make for an as new turbo but a pulsar 3584rs will more of a bang for buck upgrade. Comes on a tad later but can make a bucket load more power and really the lag isn't bad at all. I recently fitted one and after I ported the housing myself to get rid of the boost creep issues, it worked surprisingly well with a turbosmart 12psi actuator, with plenty of preload. Haha I was honestly amazed at how well it controlled boost!


Anyhow not pushing you one way or the other but I thought it was worth a mention.

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12 minutes ago, Puffwagon said:

pulsar 3584rs

Big fan of this setup, actually what my brother has on his rig atm.


The lag is definitely noticable! But its not bad at all, actually kinda like that "boost loading" feeling hahahha.

And yea I totally agree that it would be more bang for buck, its just the supporting mods situation that I'm stuck with. I only have a 255 intank pump, which I'd really like to upgrade before getting a turbo like the 3584.


The fact is I have a turbo ready to go just sitting here, and I feel like its kinda a waste to not use it. It was free after all xD 



17 minutes ago, Puffwagon said:

oil and filter every 5000km for extended engine life

Been pretty religious with this since I bought the car, so I'll probably do this now too. If it makes less mess and stress when taking the turbo off then that's an added benefit!


Seems like I have a few things to do! will keep the thread updated with my progress :)


Going alright so far, nothings too hard... next challange I think will be getting the two manifold bolts that sit behind the turbo flange, like @JETURBO mentioned. They're tighter than a nuns... 

Thinking maybe I'll attempt to get the turbo off the manifold first like Jet also mentioned, then take the manifold the head. Will see which way I end up going when I get to that stage. 


Next thing will be getting a jack and stands and drain the oil and coolant. Baby steps!

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  • Puff
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Haha you'll be right, just send it!!! Yeah nah do what you want man, it's all for fun at the end of the day and any turbo is better than no turbo :)

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Update on the manifold removal.


Dump pipe is off, turbo coolant feed is off, oil feed and return is off.


As expected, I'm struggling to remove the lower 2 manifold bolts that sit behind the turbo flange. If I have time today I'll attempt to get the turbo off the manifold first like @JETURBO suggested... But I'm still going to need to remove the manifold so I'm gonna end up in the same situation anyway.


I tried pretty damn hard to remove one of the two by going at it from under the car, did the old 2 spanner trick for more leverage but stopped after noticing that 10mm spanner was bending an awful lot.... Fearing I was gonna snap the spanner I took a break, need another angle on these things.

Can't get an ugger dugger in there either unfortunately or a socket... though I haven't actually tried the latter yet.


Any tips on removing such a stubborn bolt? Thinking about getting a longer 10mm spanner, maybe that'll help?

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if a spanner is bending, either the torque is being applied in the wrong location (e.g. against the manifold or something instead of the nut  faces) or that nut is absolutely jammed on there and you won't get it off without cutting it etc.

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I have to use Aviation spec closed end 10mm spanner to get them off and yes they’re hella tight so I wrap them in a rag and tape it down so your hand doesn’t feel like it’s about to break in half lol 


These two bolts are in a massive khunty spot but again I’m only ever removing the manifold to do a new gasket, High mount or because the turbo to manifold studs/nut thread themselves doing the turbo swop so then re stud the manifold on bench. There’s always the hope it’s been off once beforehand as it’ll never be as tight as they come from factory lol 


If you get the turbo off first it’s easier again just for hand placement at least ;) 

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Cheers for advice @JETURBO


didn't get any time this arvo to get stuck into it unfortunately, but will be continuing this journey after work tomorrow. 


Might swing past Sydney Tools after work and see if I can find a bigger 10mm, the one I have is definitely not up to the task!

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Those were the most annoying bots I think I've ever had to remove. Period 🤣🤣

On dinner duty so manifold will come off tomorrow after work. All studs are loose so will come off easy now.


Ended up sticking with the 2 spanner method and some slightly better techniques, paired with more force and swearing. Small victories! 💪



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