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GTX3582R the goto for an FG upgrade?


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5862 is the Equivalent GTX G2 3576


Aeroflow will never disclose this nor would I ever expect them too as would Garrett ...


It’s identical to Nizpro’s 4* Turbo back exhaust being re produced by TOG for a reduced amount with zero difference.... in fact anyone would swear they came from EXACTLY the same Chinese factory 😂 

These are some photos I took of a Genuine Garrett GTX G2 3582 and the Aeroflow 6662. Rear housing design and Actuator is the only difference as I use My spec housings on all my GTX builds and Genuine Garett Actuators -  Aeroflow comes with the housing already- Swop it over to one of mine and a Garrett Actuator and zero difference on face value 


Time will tell and apart from pulling one apart new it would be hard to tell. My local Turbo guy hasn’t had one in for repair yet either which is definitely a good thing 


If anyone wants either a genuine Garrett or Aeroflow I can Do better than SparesBox ;) 





Aeroflow right 


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Yeh no worries just buzz me the exact part number as for each variant there’s colour choices too 

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Interesting input on this topic! 


I work in RND, albeit for gas detection not turbos 🤣

However!! Casting is casting, injection moulding is injection moulding... The end of the day these companies likely go to the same manufacturing plant for their components. Its all about the warranties, and QA that plays the big roles. 


Garret would have very tight tolerances, with this comes a bigger price and the success rate out of moulds would decrease. Obviously this produces a better end result. Aeroflow might be willing to allow slightly larger tolerances on their castings which can dramatically increase their success rate and thus increase their yield. Bigger yield means smaller cost per part.


We have just purchased a bunch of fixed detector enclosures from the same facility that honeywell does - if you know anything about honeywell they're basically the garret of the mining, oil, etc, industries when it comes to products. We're actually baffled at how much they charge for their detectors when we saw the cost price of these enclosures.


That being said, @JETURBO where's this thread you speak of for the aeroflow turbos? I'd love to see the updates and comments that people have who are running these turbos. Long term reviews surely will be around the corner seeing as they've been on the market about a year now. 

I've been looking into them for a long time after seeing the price for one compared to my original choice of the gtx3582. Being the cars a daily I didn't want to spend that much on the turbo but we all know the quality of the garrets is great so it would likely be worth it. That being said, if the boosted range offers similar performance and longevity at a cheaper cost imo its a no brainer to go that route. Money saved there can go somewhere else 

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  • Puff
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Looks like spares box has dropped all the aeroflow turbos from their website. The listings are still up but when you click on a turbo it says the part is not available.

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Some very encouraging info here :)

I have the Aeroflow 6662 to install in the coming weeks, was a great deal from @JETURBO and since I'm not looking to squeeze every last tenth of a kw out of my set up I thought I'd give them a go.

If I can get similar performance and reliability I'll be happy.

Will report back once I've had it chooned.

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Ever since the influx of popularity Aeroflow have depleted stocks and everything is on 5 week back order, Covid is effecting everything ! 

Still if you’re willing to wait I can help peeps out !

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I just got the 20% off email and was able to add an Aeroflow turbo to my cart so might be working now.

I'm not buying one - just procrastinating at work

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