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Puffwagon's Territory Adventures


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  • Puff
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Fitted my 2200cc injectors this afternoon.


The tune I had prepared for it was for 98 so the injector scaling was incorrect. No wideband at the time so a few attempts later I had it running ok and pulling out some fuel at idle. Thank fark for partial writes!


Looking through the log that I did on the way home showed that the trims were pulling 1% fuel at 110kph with a whopping 3% injdc. Got on it a tiny bit to 4500rpm and saw 35% injdc at 23psi.


It's good enough for now and will touch it up on the dyno over the weekend.

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So... Enough fuel for the moon then!
Squash those plugs to death and why not go a coolant overflow delete as you could make that yourself (I assume) so you get some more room and save your exhaust side cooking coolant?
Josh Chapman (custom alloy welding) makes plenty of stuff if you cbf! I've bought a couple of things from him without issues.


On 09/02/2021 at 7:14 AM, NA_TURBO said:
There is a slight difference in dwell time for the FG coils, I just did the swap myself. Fixed a miss at higher rpm by just swapping coils.

I might buy new coils (not FG as I'm not that keep) considering 3 were swimming for years! They look ok with no cracks but still... I also haven't been able to replicate that humongous rad misfire it does when raping it from 1st-2nd.

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  • Puff
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Hell yeah there's enough fuel now!!! There's just the right amount actually :declare:

I'll gap the plugs tomorrow after work unless I've melted into a puddle. I am planning to get an turbo beanie and also wrap the dump so I can get rid of the temporary heat shield I've got in there atm. That should help stuff and things.

I already ordered and paid for the alloy tank so I may as well use it. In saying that, I can measure a thing or two, so welding up tanks etc should be doable. Just gotta make some time.

Also it's gonna cool right down by the weekend so hopefully can get some quality dyno time in.

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I have wrap ready for my aftermarket dump pipes and was thinking about a beanie purely because up here it's a farking joke as far as temperature goes (humidity is off the charts but we've had some rain, Yay!).
I figure the less heat in the engine bay the better and I believe the scoop is restricting air extraction somehow. I'll remove the top weatherstrip at the windscreen wiper area that seals the bonnet again and monitor the temps.

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My gold ute has a highmount (jpipe) and I put an ally overflow on after org one melted.

Ally one got to hot to touch.

Ended up coating it in heat reflecting tape and making a heat shield that also coated in tape.


Heatsheild made biggest difference. Its only a finger gap from overflow, n around two to turbo, but was most effective.


If it was a daily id put a turbo beanie on.

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Almost all of my intercooler piping is the same (stainless steel) being so hot you can hardly touch it which is why I originally thought maybe alloy IC piping might be better but who knows...I'm not that smart! I'll have to try and fix my temp gun or just buy another one as it's at least 15yrs old now and being bathed in methanol over the years I'd be surprised if it works or is still accurate.
I might have to buy those cheap thermocouple temp monitors from ebay like this - https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Digital-K-Type-Thermocouple-Probe-Sensor-Temperature-Controller-Assorted-Probes-/282576231648 to place in multiple spots under the bonnet to see what works.
Air flow meters even maybe??? Or just pull my finger out and fit the water meth kit I've had for 10yrs

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  • Puff
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Plugs gapped to 0.4mm this afternoon. Should be good enough for some tuning this weekend.


The rocker cover only got posted today, so that'll be something to do next weekend. Fark know why it wasn't posted on Monday but meh. The genuine Ford FG coils arrived today, so they're ready to get installed when the time comes.

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@BeerTurbo My only concern is whether it makes a difference from inside the pipe due to the velocity of the air entering the engine...
@Puffwagon Can you buy FG coil plug adapters or is it the same fitting so no re-pinning?

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