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Puffwagon's Territory Adventures


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  • Puff
  • Gold Donating Members
  • Member For: 10y 1m 8d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: South Australia

Made it home in one piece. I would have stayed for the eliminations but I couldn't keep the boost pipe on the throttle body for more than a couple of runs.


I lost one race cos the pipe came off but apart from that handed out the chop left right and centre. There were some hectic cars there that I didn't get to race and might have chopped me, but there's always next time.


The trans held up as well as can be expected but will need a refresh/upgrade before much more flogging and extra power. It's still fine though which I wasn't sure if it would be, before I went.


The engine barely raised a sweat and would have gone rounds for days, if that pipe had have stayed on.


I made sure to stay till after dark, so there should have been some nice flames for the spectators. Overall I'm glad I went, despite the massive amount of driving to get there and back.

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