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1 hour ago, finnas said:

that's only if the wastegate DC table isn't aligned with the Desired boost table.  Puff isn't an amateur like arron

Or if you over/under thresholds are too low  in both ;) 


I would like to see Arronm tune a digital radio with auto seek .... 🤪

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7 hours ago, bjc said:

No issues with it in closed loop? Doesn't shoosh (that's obviously the tech-a-nogical name) on and off like they used to do back in the early days under half to three quarter throttle?

Ahhh yes, the closed loop boost surge caused by tuners not knowing how to tune.

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  • Puff
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I just went for a drive and tried to make it oscillate and it wouldn't do it.


Just for lols I asked it to run 23psi (up from 21) and it managed 22.5 briefly before dropping off. It tried though, cos the wg solenoid dc was 100% the whole way through, bar a tiny dip as it got to 20 on its way up.


I also added timing before it comes on boost. It's a lot smoother in the power delivery but can't really tell if it's quicker or slower overall. Gonna have to do some steady state tuning and see what the dyno reckons.


Happy days :)

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2 hours ago, JETURBO said:

I would like to see Arronm tune a digital radio with auto seek .... 🤪

When I tuned vehicles we changed jets and read plugs , didnt just press a few keys

And I tuned multiple vehicles with multiple carbs, bikes and cars.   99% of yours is turbo barra.  If you cant do that well in your sleep after all these years.  Like shooting fish in as barrell.

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Ahhh yes, the closed loop boost surge caused by tuners not knowing how to tune.
I'm talking '04-'05 when no one knew what they were doing. I still had TSI piggybacks on both of my cars at the time and transitioned the xr6t to xcal1.
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Before I forget...wrt smoking the front tyres when launching, what about an "up stop" (unsure what you call them on a car, droop limiter?) strap or other means on the front suspension? Unsure if it would work on a full size car as opposed to my experience with RC cars just differently! Chains or snatch straps bolted from chassis to the arms to stop the car lifting the front end? Probably violent and dangerous but anything for the cause
Otherwise something in the rear (like the airbags) that resists squat to a large degree.
Just thinking out loud...

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  • Puff
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Dyno again tomorrow. There will be exhaust dropping this time and I'll do some steady state tuning myself for dyno practice as well as better off boost power for the car.

Here's to driving home tomorrow afternoon in one piece lol.

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  • Puff
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Well there was no exhaust dropping today.


Instead I spent the entire day on the dyno, steady state tuning. I basically dialled in the timing under 3000rpm and made some surprising gains.


I did a bunch of power runs as well to smooth out the timing curve and overall the car didn't make any more power, but I got it to a better state of tune. It did make a couple of kw more on a couple of runs, but that's nothing really.


I learnt a bunch about the dyno and overall just gained a bit more experience.


I suppose next time I'll do the cam timing and see if I can smooth it out in the midrange. Heh who knows, I might end up doing something else.


Happy days :)

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