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Puffwagon's Territory Adventures


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  • Puff
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  • Location: South Australia

Hmmm looks like that got a tad hot!


Here's a pic, I helicoiled my sump turbo oil return.



Edited by Puffwagon
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I'm jealous of those threads... looking slick :spoton: my bloody turbo oil return just leaks like a mofo unless it's perfectly in between "under-tightened" and "over-tightened" haha

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  • Puff
  • Gold Donating Members
  • Member For: 10y 1m 7d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: South Australia

Eh I ain't re-updating nuffin :stirthepot:


But here's today's update: I went down to the dyno to diagnose a fuel issue and instead found another issue. It made 265awkw on 10psi so not too shabby there. The valve springs wouldn't have it with the hectic cams and would valve float with much more boost than that, so didn't bother going further. I'll be upgrading my valve springs and installing new valve stem seals while I'm there. I'll let it run in a bit more anyway before I turn it up too much.


The fuel issue is that it's using over double the required amount of fuel at cruise, over triple at idle and has an average of 50L\100km at the moment, and that's not all from flooring it either. I've checked everything known to man except drive-line drag, but it ain't the brakes dragging if it is. Trans shifts perfectly, doesn't slip at all etc. I wonder if the converter is farked? I'll message the trans shop and get their opinion.


Anyway there's that, maybe one day it will let me just drive it for a while without having to fix something :launch:

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