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Puffwagon's Territory Adventures


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  • Puff
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It just cleans the grease and dirt off it. All that baked on oil and crap needs to be soaked overnight for it to come off.  I did all that stuff for my other engine and it takes a farken long time to clean it like that. I don't have enough farks to do that, so it will be as it is.

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as long as you're happy, no big deal :)  


how much of the work do you do that actually requires two people and who do you rope in to help for those circumstances?

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  • Puff
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Yerp. I get the missus to help me or one of my sons. I can do it all myself but it makes it miles easier to get the trans in and out with two people. So yeah pretty much only get help with the trans/tcase.


The missus will hang out with me while I'm doing it most of the time, unless she's got something else to do. It's nice to have someone to talk to lol.


Progress now is the engine is assembled and in the TT. I'll get the trans in this afternoon and probably call it there. I still gotta take the other car off the jack stands, move it out the way and raise this one, so there is a bit of stuffing around to get it done. 



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  • Puff
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I got signed off for most of it then left the place cos it was not for me. And right now I'm not having fun lol. I just got the trans in but first a clip got wedged between the flex plate and trans that I retrieved with a magnet, then a plug decided it was having a turn. I could have installed 3 transmissions in the time it took me to do 1.


Anyhow I've just gotta do the usual crap now and still have to change the fuel pot over. I've also gotta wait for a new oil fitting that'll be here Monday, so that's when it'll be running. 


Time for a beer or 50 :drinks:

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that's working on cars for ya :spoton: always 2 steps forward 1 step back (and sometimes 3 steps back, if you're a :pooh: mechanic like me :P )

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  • Puff
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Got nothing done yesterday and a little bit today. I sprained my wrist putting the trans in 500 times the other day, so called it short today. Got the trans all bolted up, front and rear driveshafts in, trans cooler mounted, wired and ready to go, and that's about it. I put the hotside in for a look and realized I have to clock the turbo to point downwards, so that can happen another day. I'll have to lift it in and out a number of times for that, as well as making the oil drain etc. My wrist is too sore to lift it once, nvm half a dozen times, so I'll rest up and get it done whenever.


Fark the turbo looks small in there lol, it'd look cooler and be heaps easier to chuck in the 85mm beast I have, cos the exhaust already fits it as well as the cooler pipes. Not sure how the stock cast turbo pistons would like 30psi and 650+kw though?! Here's a pic just cos.



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