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To ascertain where a vehicle is struggling both power and torque graphs help heaps but used in conjunction with datalogs tell a pretty good story. 

That said if your picking up a bunch down low and “nosing” over up top it’s a pretty good indicator of manifold/exhaust flow “IF” datalogs are consistent for other changes. 

Tuning is about maximum efficiency in all areas of power generation and your combo seems like it’s last pretty happy place is around 23 psi 

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21 minutes ago, JETURBO said:

your combo seems like it’s last pretty happy place is around 23 psi 


That's the conclusion I came to last time with the GTX. It made power to a certain point with timing, then it made power to a certain point with boost. More boost made less power and more timing made no difference.


I figured the current turbo would be worse after the first round of 98 data but eh, gotta try it out hey. A bit disappointing but whatever.

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You’ve done it the right way mate and that’s the whole point ! 

Now what do you think when people say bang in 30 psi with a GTX hahaha 

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Is it the fuel pump or the turbosmart regulator running out of headroom? I assume you did upgrade the fuel pump wiring now?
Merry Xmas and happy New Year etc etc...

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Whilst I'm awake at this ungodly hour and thinking of random garbage and life I have a question...
Would leaving the traction control on (the TT or xr6t's) potentially cause oil pump failure when it's activated? I don't have much issue with the TT in the dry even with the traction light flashing (in the wet it's a different story but rarely get rain so can't really remember!) but just wondered if this could cause it also.

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7 hours ago, bjc said:

Is it the fuel pump or the turbosmart regulator running out of headroom? I assume you did upgrade the fuel pump wiring now?


It'll be the pump as it drops pressure at the reg. If it was the reg the pressure would rise at the reg.


I haven't upgraded the wiring as it hasn't needed an upgrade until recently. On 98 it'll hold 12:1 until redline but I can't say the same for e85. I've got some stuff to rewire it so I reckon I'll chuck another 525 in the tank and have it come on with a hobbs switch.


Because I'm going to put the 7675 on soon, it'll be running less boost so a single 525 should be good enough for a bit. It'll flow a lot more fuel with nearly 10 less psi pushing against it. So yerp I'll see what happens there and do the fuel pump upgrade straight away or just wait a bit.


7 hours ago, bjc said:

Would leaving the traction control on (the TT or xr6t's) potentially cause oil pump failure when it's activated?


If it pulls the throttle shut like a mofo then yes it is likely to raise the chance of an oil pump failure. Mine only does that when I launch it, the rest of the time it just flashes a bit and seems to do stuff all. I switch it off all the time though as it's better for the driveline to pull a skid than to slam everything to a stop from WOT.

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I'm pretty sure that 525 will be struggling for power but that's my opinion. E85 being way more demanding which tells...
As for the traction control, yes mine only flashes when launching off the brake and as you said just seems to do nothing that I can noticeably feel.
I think I'll just go straight to an external surge tank set up. The hobbs switch is the way to go for sure with multiple pumps.
It's a pity you didn't have an external wastegate also to back to back between the two seeing as you are a guinea pig and knowledge base for some of us

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