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Sprint 6 upgrade - GTX3582 or...?


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Gotta say, that's one of the wackiest reasons to draw the line at 400 that I've seen before haha


GTX is similar spool to the stock turbo, but a touch slower spool, especially depending on higher boost applications.

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I'm pretty sure there were a bunch of claims the GTX3582R was a faster spool than the GT3582R, but I never saw/felt it actually was, and the marketing hype dyed down a bit after a while and this claim seemed to drop off the radar, so yeah, I'm sure I meant the GTX3582R has a slightly slower spool (a few hundred RPM or so) than the GT3582R.


Of course the GT3576R and the GTX3576R with very similar spool (again within a few hundred RPM), are both better than the GT3582R and GTX3582R, but both 76's have limited top ends on the Barra as compared to the 82's.

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  • Puff
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I've got a gen2 gtx3582r making 18psi by 3000rpm on my territory, if I roll onto it in third or so. It doesn't really go nuts until 3500 though. Further to add, if I just stomp it from a dig it will make 26psi in first gear by 4000rpm but driving along will make 21psi by 3100, so imho it's not too laggy, especially once you're moving.


This is probably as close to best case as you will get with that specific turbo, you might get a few hundred rpm earlier spool with a decent exhaust system. It's not kind to your drive-line or rods to bring it in that fast, so a lot of tunas will bring it in more gently.


If you're worried about lag then PCMTec has rolling antilag and launch antilag. You can leave with all the boost, or with the rolling antilag just build boost and let it rip!



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Or try the new g35 900 from the new garret g series. Same size as the 3576 but should spool the same or better and hit mid 400s.


One other guy on the forums going to give it a try, pretty new for the falcon, currently only vband so probably have to buy a complete turbo and manifold. Ill keep my eye on it and hope it becomes a well worn path in a year or two with a few more fitment options.


If you have the sprint u could just give it a mild tune and leave it mostly stock. Hard to resist though I understand, but will be hard to find an unmolested one in the future.


Fwiw gtx3576 gen 2 on e85 have seen at 420, did a 10.8 quarter. Unsure its 98 figure, but the difference in my gen 1 is 43 up too so would be somehwere around 380, maybe less if not full exhaust.


Also pcmtec dont recommend holding launch control for too too long as it cooks your turbo

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yeah, it's a shame that anti-lag (this sort:

) is so bad for your turbo...


also, I very much doubt the G35-900 will spool as fast as a GT3576R, but you never know until it happens. Does have "promise", though.

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  • Puff
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Haha I use mine nearly every time I take it out, but within sensible limits. I've set it up to make boost, not go ape shirt. It's also good for rolling decel keybangers through the city, if that's your thing :whistle:

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Stock gt3582 with mods will make 400 on 98 easy. Just need the right mods. Also need large supporting mods. I made 410rwkw on 98 and 480rwkw on E85 with factory turbo both 18psi.


I even made 400rwkw with 15psi  (98) on factory turbo with BF F6.


You dont need to upgrade , just modify and have large inter-cooler and intake. 


3576  run out of puff like emphysema

Edited by arronm
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sounds like some inflated hub figures haha 480 with a GT3582R haha... also 400rwkw with 98 at 15psi on a GT3582R, nah...

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