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Is a GTX3582 the best option?


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Here is the direct comparison between GT3582R and G35-900, both e85, both 20psi


There is a fair difference in response, which is probably a combination of the turbo and manifold. I didn't think there would be such a difference, but similarly, I didn't expect it to make so much more power.


There is definitely response to be gained with a built motor, but I think this is useful data because the dyno figures are irrelevant, the curves tell the story.


Driving it home, my first impressions are that it sounds awesome, it really whistles. It's been a while since I've driven it, but it doesn't feel especially laggy, although I need more time to properly assess. A couple of punches in 2nd and third resulted in no wheelspin, which is either because it's coming on a little later, or the clutch is starting to slip. The NT05s are good, but not that good...



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East coast have done a very good job of the before and after and very valuable information. We know a log manifold and a GT3582 can be tuned pretty aggressive in regards to lag/spool/torque generation and in a manual variant it’s easy enough to generate plus 10psi against the roller with a manual ( as seen in black here ) 


MM’s of turbocharger wheel increase does directly relate to lag, individual runner manifolds shine up top in the RPM range


The difference on paper is Clear but in real life driving the graphs difference is almost negligible on an Automatic variant but yes on the manual you will see a difference in rate of generation. 

To get a bigger Turbocharger to make 5psi against the roller is better than average as most will only spool around 2-3psi at low starting speeds 60kmh and below 


If this was a ZF converter car you could have a graph reflect the black curve down low and red up top and arguably the best of both worlds but you aren’t actually changing the characteristics of the set up but changing what the vehicle can see at different load points with flare/rpm/spool 


I actually think you’ve got a pretty amazing set up mate considering, as I would and your tuner would have chosen to take a bit out of it down low as it’s going nuts anyway uptop and you probably have closer to that spoken about converter ZF graph if and when your tuner can bang in 100% but now it’s probably hanging around 75% with great stats. 

Enjoy it mate 

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Thanks man!


Interesting point on auto vs manual. Definitely give up some spool with the manual, but it's just so damn satisfying to have that connection with the drivetrain. 


Anyway, time to convince one of your customers to throw this setup on a ZF...

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4 minutes ago, Tom Tucker said:

time to convince one of your customers to throw this setup on a ZF


I'm happy to try various combos on my territory with a built motor and stock (for now) tuned ZF, if someone wants to provide parts for testing. Either either tomato potato ;)

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One last snippet of info.


My turned down tune is 16psi e85, and apparently its still making 470kw. Explains why my clutch is so unhappy, but I'll make it hang in there. Love that NPC single plate organic 


98 tune is 14psi making 410kw.


This might be a good option for people looking for that 400kw 98RON turbo with near stock spool (if auto). So long as they know its not bolt on

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This is good timing as I've had my tune done as well, same climate in sunny Brissy. My setup is GTX3582gen2 1.06 39mm iwg B series manifold. Running Caltex 98 fuel and a BTR 4 speed and a built engine. We did see 380kw which was pretty great but 350kw is where it was happiest and the issue was keeping timing into it. It's a blast to drive but there is a huge difference in the graphs and I would like to hear your guys thoughts on the difference between the 2 setups. The G35-900 must be a good bit of gear but I expected to see a bit more out of the GTX than what we got. Clint said he would usually expect to see around the 380 mark with this setup. I have not had allot of experience with turbo cars or reading graphs. This is at 19psi. 


Edited by 3Katz
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I'd expect more than 350 man, especially on a built motor. I'd say something isn't right, whether it's an exhaust restriction, intercooler restriction, or any number of other things. But dyno numbers aren't the best indicator either. How does it drive? 

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something is definitely mechanically restricting yours, 3Katz... 19psi in a GTX3582R of either gen1 or gen2 should comfortably be in the 400's as a stock turbocharger of GT3582R variant can make close to 400 on 98 in a BTR.

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