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Waldron 255 pump


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So I am putting in a Walbro 255 in my fg and just after a bit of help when installing the new pump and this is where I am at it looks like you have to replace the outlet hose from the new pump ?

what hose is recommended for this ? 
mans anything else I need to know 


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Return the pump and get the full direct replacement pot and pump assembly.

Get the Big pot as well. Don't make the mistake I did and get the smaller one.


Or search the forum there  are how to. threads on here that show ya how to install the pump in the pot you already have.

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This is the easiest stuff to work with if you are replacing the hoses yourself. Best to use some oetiker clamps too.

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Yep got the hoses and they worked well thanks Andrew 

had the tune done the other day went well he said the engine was healthy and managed to get 460hp

do you guys know what are dangerous temperatures for water temp and exhaust temp yesterday water got to 105 and exhaust got to 855 are these in the safe range ? 

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855 is pretty freakin' hot... but if anything can cope with that, it's exhaust parts... where was that specifically measured?


105 is fine as long as you have a decent amount of ethyl-glycol in the mixture of your coolant, otherwise the water is going to boil around that temperature (that's the point of the ethyl-glcol, it increases the boiling point of water it's mixed with).


460hp is about 340kW - good result mate.

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And the downside of ethyl-glycol is it is unable to transfer as much heat as pure water.

So yes it can't handle the higher boiling temp, but if you were perhaps running pure water, there's a possibility the cooling system wouldn't get to that temperature as the radiator and pure water would be able to remove more heat (and thus have heat removed from themselves).
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Nahhh you guys lol, ever datalog much ?


high speed fans kick in at 98 and out from 106 so on the dyno to do a “Job” proper you have to heat soak the car to replicate worst case conditions, Exhaust temperature at the turbine merge can easy get to 800-900* under WOT and a conservative timing scale with 98 fuel 


Your tuner has actually done a decent job if he’s Logged and pulled those as maximums throughout the tuning process ;) 

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So I am reading the temperatures of a lufi revolution X which plugs into the obi port water temp at 105 was only reading 1/2 way on the dash which I thought was odd

yes 341kw was made the tuning was done by Scott Hoffman in Brisbane On a hub Dyno I wasn’t expecting that much but happy with the outcome car is running well 

am in the process of setting temperature alarms on the lufi 

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