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Tassie Tour 2020 - 5th March to 10th?? March


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  • Cruise Control
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Anybody want to cruise through Tassie in March?

I’ve already booked the boat for Thursday night 5th March, returning on the Sunday night 14th March.  I’ll be taking the week off as I plan do a bit of R&R - maybe do a bit of fishing.   

I’m planning do the Island anti-clockwise as this worked well on previous trips.    

Some of the places I plan on seeing include: Stanley, Tarkine Rain Forest, Strahan, New Norfolk, Strathgordon, Freycinet Peninsula, and Ben Lomond (Jacob’s Ladder).

You are welcome to join up and leave as your time/plans permit.

Either way - I'll be going for a spurt round the Island on these dates.  

Route, sights and stopovers are extremely fluid at this stage. 

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  • Rab featured and pinned this topic
  • Cruise Whore
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Yep I have my annual leave booked for the Friday 6 March and Tuesday 10 March at the moment.  But I have some days owing in-lieu so I just had a look at the Spirit of Tassie bookings and cheapest cost fares are if we go take the boat Wednesday night 4 March $279 (with car) and come back on Wednesday 11 March $279 (with car).


I'll be booking a cabin both ways 4 berth sleeper at $139 per trip - no way am I gonna sleep in a recliner (I remember last time when I booked a chair :blink: - Rab saved me with his cabin :roflmbo: )


Total boat cost return for me leaving Wednesday night 4 March and coming back Wednesday night 11 March (back in Melbourne Thursday 12 March) would be $836


@YLD127 I won't be booking the Thursday night boat cos right now its a whopping $439 for the boat alone (no cabin) :omg:


Everyone else's thoughts?  

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  • Cruise Whore
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Booked Spirit of Tassie for Melbourne-Devonport Wed 4 Mar 7:30pm and coming back on Devonport-Melbourne Wed 11 Mar 7:30pm :thumbsup:


Discussed with @YLD127 and @Rab 


I also booked a 4 bed cabin each way - so Rab is going to share that with me.  Leaves 2 other beds available if anyone going across and coming back same dates.  I chose those dates cos they were the least expensive fares - either side the fares are more (varies differently).  That means if you want to book on those dates and there's still room left in the cabin - just book the recliner option which is $0 as your "seat" on the boat over.  There will be linen and towels enough for 4 people in the cabin.  Just beware though - both Rab and I are chronic snorers - so bring your ear plugs :roflmbo:


Just need to sort out the itinerary now so we know where to book the accomodation!   Thinking Rab and I will spend some time around Launceston and the gorge area on the first day Thursday - that way we can be nearby to meet YLD127 on Friday morning :drivingalong:


Anyone else interested in those dates?


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Cruise Whore
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Just proposing some places to stay.  Your thoughts guys?


Wed 4 Mar    Catch 7:30 ship


Thu 5 Mar        Stay George Town
        York Cove Holiday Hotel  $169
Fri 6 Mar        Stay Strahan
        Bushman's Cafe $180 (only 1)
        Strahan Village $206


Sat 7 Mar        Stay Pontville
        Brighton Hotel Motel $108


Sun 8 Mar        Orford
        Orford Blue Waters Hotel $134


Mon 9 Mar    Stay Bicheno
        Beachfront Bicheno $166


Tue 10 Mar    Stay George Town
        York Cove Holiday Hotel  $169


Wed 11 Mar    Catch 7:30 ship

Who's coming as well?

1. YLD127

2. Rab

3. EvilDaifu (possibly another passenger)


Anyone else?



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  • Cruise Whore
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  • Member For: 19y 1m 2d
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Just updating where accomodation has been booked for anyone else thinking of joining us :beerchug:


Wed 4 Mar    Catch 7:30pm ship


Thu 5 Mar        Stay George Town
        Comfort Inn The Pier, Georgetown $131 - RESERVED EvilDaifu
Fri 6 Mar        Stay Strahan
        Strahan Village $206 - RESERVED EvilDaifu, YLD127


Sat 7 Mar        Stay Rosetta
        Riverfront Motel & Villas, Rosetta $99 - RESERVED EvilDaifu
Sun 8 Mar        Stay Triabunna
        Stay Triabunna at YLD127 Place (BYO sleeping bag!)


Mon 9 Mar    Stay Bicheno
        Tidelines of Bicheno $169 - RESERVED EvilDaifu, YLD127


Tue 10 Mar    Stay George Town
        York Cove Holiday Hotel, George Town  $169 - RESERVED EvilDaifu, YLD127


Wed 11 Mar    Catch 7:30pm ship


@YLD127 I have booked a twin room at Rosetta so you are welcome to bunk in with me there as you have not booked that night's accomodation yet.  I also took liberty of bunking at your place in Triabunna if okay with you and your relatives :thumbsup:

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