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441rwkw fgx xr6t


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On 11/07/2024 at 7:48 PM, Slowxr6t said:

@Puffwagon when you re-seal your barra sumps back on do you prefer to have engine upside down or right way up? Im just wondering if I can take sump off and reseal it on without removing motor. I know I have to remove front subframe to get sump off, iv done it before. I remember when I had motor on a stand upside down and I put sump back on I didnt have a helper and it was pretty difficult by myself cos the sump is so big, I remember I had a couple of goes at lowering sump down onto block cos I was worried I had smeared the three bond. Im not sure what went wrong but it leaks on the right side up the front by the angled tab on the sump. In your opinion can the sump be taken off and resealed without taking off front cover and crank pulley? Should new half moon seals be used even if mine arent leaking? Thanks

Go buy 2 or 3 M6 x 100 cap screws. Cut the cap head off. Install into block. Use them as guide pins. Easy peasy

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  • 5 weeks later...
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@Puffwagon do you know if fg mid muffler is straight through or a bit restrictive? Im thinking of getting my exhaust engineered a bit, so iv already said before, but I have 4inch dump and 4 inch all the way to the 3inch flange under the car, the wg pipe plumbs into the 4 inch under the car. What im thinking is,  to extend the 4 inch all the way to the mid muffler and put a flange before the muffler to step it back down to 3 inch, but also make a mid muffler delete 4 inch pipe that bolts up to the 3 inch flange that's after the muffler so I can experiment with and without the mid muffler and still retain the stock last 3 inch bit that goes up over the diff. It would effectively be a 3 quarter length 4 inch exhaust. Would it be any less restrictive by doing that? Or would there be no difference because of the last 3 inch bit? Another thought I had was to not plumb wg pipe back in and run it separately as far as I can under car beside main exhaust and point it down at the end. I could only make it get to before the back wheel, it cant make it go over diff cos of room. Would it be just as noisy as a full on short screamer pipe? A separate wg pipe would effectively de-restrict the main exhaust and it wouldnt need to be upsized. 

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  • Puff
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4 hours ago, Slowxr6t said:

fg mid muffler is straight through or a bit restrictive?

No idea. 


Obviously if you step the exhaust down at any point, that part will be the restriction. 


For how hard you are pushing your car, you would benefit from going 4 inch the whole way through. It's actually easier than it sounds, as a 4 inch 90 will fit straight through the cradle and give your easy access to either end for fabricating.


Yes running a seperate screamer will reduce exhaust load, but having a long ass pipe might introduce wastegate back pressure and in turn mess with boost control. I think it'd still be loud af but I've never tried it 

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  • 4 months later...
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Today I got fgx back together after mechanic mate and I supported engine, dropped sub frame, removed sump, cleaned it all up, new half moon seals, used loctite 518 as the goo of choice this time instead of threebond 1215. Removed a snapped sump bolt out of block, tapped a 8mm thread in block, cut all new 8.8 tensile bolts with 10mm heads to length and re-installed the sump. We made 2 studs to screw into bolt holes, one on each side in middle of sump to line the sump up correctly. Iv started car on hoist and had a good look around and so far no leaks, I hope it stays that way!!! Also my new turbosmart 50mm gate doesnt seal shut, at idle exhaust gasses come out screamer pipe, and yes its installed properly, iv taken it off car, and assembled with v band shell and clamp and you can see a small bit of light thru valve, I took it to shop I bought it from and he checked it all out and said we will have to send it back to ts to do a warranty claim. Pretty annoying cos I wanted to go to drags this wknd. Before I did sump I drove it with screamer and to start with its really obnoxious but the noise it makes grows on you and is really quite entertaining but still obnoxious haha, it puts a smile on ya dial every time gate opens.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Turbosmart gave me a brand new replacement 50mm progate to replace my leaky one. Took 2 weeks but they came to the party, cheers ts. Iv put 19psi of springs in it and checked it with air compressor, reg and guage, its cracking open at 21psi. Im gonna try it and go to dyno, I want engine to boost 18-19 psi and hold till redline ish, it will be interesting to see how it goes, whether exhaust gasses start pushing valve off its seat early in rpms or not cos I still have stock 3 inch exhaust after the 4 inch dump but with screamer pipe now to relieve back pressure when full boost hits. I will update after dyno visit and boost control remap.

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