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No travel in Clutch pedal, FG Xr6T manual


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  • To Loud
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So this week on Wednesday evening, I was driving home and started to loose feel in the clutch pedal. it was starting to get soft up top and would not return to it's normal position.

Cruise control would not engage until I bought the pedal all the way up.

After about 5 mins of driving the clutch pedal was siting half way and would not come up. I pulled over and checked the reservoir in the engine bay and there was fluids still.

I checked under the car to see if any fluids may have been leaking and there was nothing.


There was no crunching noise or any noises that would indicate that there was anything breaking, so I kept driving home.

By the time I got home. the pedal was at about 1/4 of the way up. so hardly any travel, but I could still change gears.

I went to monsta torque on thursday at 7am and waited.........

They not open this week. Any ideas as to what may be going on here?

I am pretty sure the clutch is fine and so is the gear box. What should I be looking for?

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That's a tough one... Sounds like air is getting in but fluid isn't getting out (which is really close to impossible to happen)... Or the Concentric Slave Cylinder is getting stuck further and further towards it's disengaged position and will soon not disengage the clutch as the CSC gets stuck.

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