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Suggestions for my 2003 XR6t Ute


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Sounds good mate, good luck with your build, my brother has owned a typhoon sedan for years in aussie which is what tempted me to get a barra in the first place, but he forgot to tell me that 240t's are quite alot of work to get to the power level I am wanting, he did however say his friend who does casual imports to nz can get me a manual typhoon sedan for around 32k nz, is that a decent price? I am highly considering it hahaha, but if I do end up keeping what I have, I am auckland based but have a few friends who said they would be happy to pull apart the engine with me and get some more sturdy rods in it, they seem to know quite alot about fords as they own multiple, also have access to a quite decent workshop, just not anywhere to get a decent tune, firstly I need to find somewhere to get some forged rods at a decent price if you guys have any suggestions? hopefully all goes well and I wont have to pay for labour at all apart from beers for the boys haha, SHOULD I PULL APART THE ENGINE OR JUST BE LAZY AND BUY A TYPHOON

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What year Typhoon? There are a couple of early one's on trademe for 22-26k, not a bad price for here but you can get a later FG for 35k+. All depends on what you want out of it other than power. Power's easy, you could get an '06+ engine, build it then drop it in the ute, or just swap out for the Typhoon engine on trademe for 13k. Still though it's a Ute, not a sedan, so no fancy IRS out the back and only 2 seats etc. Is it auto? Cos if it is then it's the 4 speed BTR and most people I've heard prefer the later ZF 6 speed box. If you want that Zf then you've pretty much gotta get a car with one, swapping them out is a nightmare supposedly. Or if you want a manual then that's irrelevant.

I think it's more a question of do you want an early/late Ute, or an early/late Sedan, do you want leather, fancy ICC, more/less seats etc. Then the power question is easy. Import guys don't have to worry about that question, no Evo utes, no GTR sedans lol and you usually chuck the interiors, slap on aftermarket bodykits, fully rebuild internals etc. so you're starting base isn't as important.

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It would be a 2008 typhoon, I had a chat with him last night and he said either buy a mint engine / manual trans and when he comes over next year he will help me put it in my current ute, or he said he wouldn’t recommend getting a typhoon as he only picked his up because he got it cheap off a friend and just get a 2008 fg 6 speed manual sedan as he would have no trouble importing it, would set me back about 28k to get a pretty mint cond fg he reckons, is he in the ballpark?

Edited by Ving
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If the FG isnt an F6 it will have the small turbo.  This will limit power.  If you want 400 you need big turbo

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